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We know that when ghosts are seen in a location it is said to be haunted. We know what they look like. But what are they made of? We need to first define what a ghost really is before we attempt to figure out what it is made of. It can be described as an imprint which is an unconscious apparitions of people, animals, objects from the past acting in the same way as those real people, animals or things did years ago. It can also be described as he spirit or soul of a deceased person that has in some way made it's presence known to the living.

Firstly let's look at imprints. These are not spirits because they are often things that were never alive such as cars, trains, busses, furniture etc., but because it looks and acts as it did in the past it is most likely that they are made up of energy that is stored in the location of the phenomena. Now what kind of energy would that be, you may ask? Many of us tend to believe that they are made up of electromagnetic fields and possibly electrostatic charges. They take these forms because the locations in one way or the other hold the memories of incidents that happened. It is believed that the reason why these events are recorded in certain places is because some are of very repetitive motions and others are very dramatic in nature. It is all in theory though, but it may be just what is happening.

What then about the ghosts of those who died? Well, as there is a basic theory that they are made up of the natural electromagnetic energy that the human body has inside itself. This theory is popular because very often during ghost hunts in places that are haunted and other places where paranormal phenomena occurs, EMF reading that are unexplained and erratic are caught on EMF detectors. One man even thought that the human soul is made up of something that holds a little more weight. This person tried to prove that the human soul was actually made up of some kind of mass. During a research on dying patients it was discovered that after dying their bodies has in fact lost a couple of ounces.

Another interesting question frequently asked is if angels are made of different substances than ghost. The answer here is yes. Angels are made of heavenly bodies. Demons or fallen angels on the other hand have hot bodies. But both consists of different matter that ghosts. A ghost is simply a form of ectoplasm, which is the outer lining of a cell.

Apparitions: Ghosts which are clearly such are known as apparitions. There are different categories:

Atmospheric: Also known as residual or replay hauntings. These are typically seen in only one location repeating a certain action again and again, usually something attached to a traumatic event.

Crisis or deathbed: These appear to family and friends around the time of death. They are very common ghost sightings , but almost never occur more than four days after death.

Family: Ghosts which are connected to a particular family often foretell death and disaster.

Haunted Objects: Instead of haunting a location, a particular object is the anchor for a ghost.

Object Apparitions: Manifestations of ghostly items which can be either natural or man made.

Photographic Ghosts: Ghosts that are not seen until after a photo is taken and examined. These MAY include orbs, mists, ectoplasm or vortexes, shadows and other unusual light or optical effects. Many debate whether they are actually spirits, ghosts or souls. I feel they're some kind of energetic or spiritual byproduct.

Historical: These are like atmospheric, except they have or can be seen on more than one location going about their business. Typically dressed in period clothing and often appear solid.

Recurring: Ghosts that appear on a certain time schedule or anniversary, usually annually.

Modern: Same as historical, but they resemble more contemporary people.

Transportation: These are also known as phantom craft under Location Based, they are often associated with the final moments of some tragic accident. The wreckage itself can attach energy in such a way as to become haunted. There are some kinds that are not necessarily relegated to one location, but can be seen anywhere that it would have normally been seen in pre-spirit existence e.g. the Flying Dutchman.

Marian: What some believe to be appearances of the Virgin Mary. This could also cover cameos by other saints or religious / spiritual figures.

Out of Body: The appearance of a living person who is actually in another location. They are not necessarily ill or dying, and can be either solid or translucent. Some claim to recall their OBE and can give verifiable details about the location they were seen. This is probably also related to Astral Projection.

Battlefield: Also known as floating battlefields, they resemble and actual reenactment of war, but for some reason, they typically occur above the ground from several to a hundred feet up.

Grey Ladies: The ghosts of women who died in sadness over love or betrayal. They can either be grey, white or black.

Classic Haunting: These are also known as Entity Haunting, and is defined as an interactive ghosts which does not fall into any special category. It can be a phantom, apparition, presence or unexplained events which occur in a certain location.

Graveyard Specters: These are also known as shells or shades, these are believed to be the etheric remnants of a person after death. Commonly found in graveyards days or weeks after a burial, they are scary but not dangerous. They are typically seen as dark, shadowy forms and usually does not communicate or talk.

Etheric Remnant: A very rare but dangerous undead creature that feeds upon the energy of the living, it is the original vampire of legend. For more details info please reed John Greer's book "Monsters".

There are many different types of ghosts, and, further, that not every being that inhabits the spiritual realm is necessary a ghost at all. As such, it might be helpful to our study if we first start to understand the different types of ghosts our there and how they are different from each other.

The Interactive Personality: The first and probably most commonly understood type of ghost is that of the deceased human being usually of someone known to the observer as a friend or a family member although they may also be strangers. This type of ghost appears not onlyself aware and intelligent, but also capable of interacting within the linear world of time and space like manifesting, audibility or telepathically and even tactile capabilities. Some ghosts even seem capable of manufacturing odors such as tobacco smoke, perfume etc. thatwere associated with them when they were alive.

Just as human beings are capable of displaying a whole range of emotions and temperaments, so too is a ghost. Some may be playful and loving while others may be dark and angry. They are often described as brooding, sad or melancholy, and are seen to exhibit emotions such as rage, fear and jealousy. The result is either a pleasant or frightening experience with a ghost. In general, though, ghosts are usually considered harmless and, in even beneficial in some cases.

The Non-Interactive Personality: This is also known as the imprint type of manifestation while apparently human in appearance and mannerism, it gets the name from the fact that it appears and acts as thought it is entirely oblivious to its surroundings. It has a marked lack of awareness of others and their tendency to repeat the same actions like walking down a set of stairs or sitting on a the edge of the same bed as though they were actors in a play that they are acting out over and over again. Many people who encounter this type of phenomenon often describe it as watching a few frames of a movie being played out on a continual loop and they appear not to be aware of the person witnessing them This raised the question to whether such manifestations are ghosts at all or merely a reflection of a moment in time that somehow has been inscribed or imprinted into the environment. In other words, these may be not genuine disembodied personalities at all, but pictures of a once living human being going about his/her daily activities that has now been recorded by the environment only to be replayed once the condition are ideal.

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