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My mouth felt immediately dry and I peered at Luke through my lashes and the gaping part of the front of my hair. He looked saddened that he just admitted it to himself and I couldn't bring myself to speak, weakly smiling to the distraught boy by my side.

The silence held for longer than I hoped and I rocked my knuckles against the side of the table, the continuous mutter of the class hurting my ear drums. I watched as a piece of paper hit Luke in the square of the back. He didn't even flinch, it all seemed the same to him by now.

Angrily, I held to the back of Luke's chair and leaned down to ball the paper in my hands, chucking it back to the snobby and squeaky girls at the back of the room. I mentally high fived myself as it hit the orange girl in the middle of the forehead and she gasped loudly, dropping her lipgloss tube to the table.

I turned fully to Luke, puffing a sigh out of my parted lips. He had his head turned out to the open window, letting the cool breeze run through his body.

"She's going to come back." I nodded my head.

There was another long silence and Luke slowly turned his head around to gaze over all my features with a questioning look. For a moment, I thought he would turn his lips up into a smile but instead, he frowned, shaking his head back and forth.

"The nurse said it's called amnesia; a partial or total loss of memory." He stated quietly.

I pursed my lips, listening in fully as he spoke so quietly. It was almost impossible for me to hear him speak, even if he were right by my side.

"She could be sitting right by my side, but she never truly will be beside me."

"You love her." I said, stating the truth rather than asking it as a question. "That doesn't mean she's not coming back to you!" I shouted in a whisper, wanting to scream into the poor boy's ear drums.

He locked gaze with me, a stern looking washing over all his saddened features. I sucked in a breath when I watched his fist tighten against the curb of the table, his veins prominent whilst his skin turned pale white.

"I always hope for the best but I never prepare for the worst. So that's what I'm doing. I'm preparing for the worst because I know she's not coming back." The strain in his voice almost caused tears in my eyes, but I looked away, keeping them within.

To his luck, the blaring ring of the school bell rattled through the class room and Luke picked up his bag and left in an instant. I saved him the pity of running after him since he preferably wanted to be alone.

I picked up my bag again, putting it around me when the students piled out of the class room and to the lunch break. Everyone else exited before me and I kept my head down as I felt Ashton's head turned my way with a sad look.

Finally, I walked out of the class room and attempted to brush past my friends where they had surprisingly waited for me outside the class room. A hand tightly caught itself around my wrist, making me stumble when I was pulled against them and I looked up into Michael's sorrowful eyes.

"Lexie. I am so sorry." Ashton gushed, attempting to make eye contact.

My head was down and I tried with all my strength to pull my hand free from Michael's hold but he kept a tight grip. Sighing, I dropped my hand, defeated.

"Can I go now?" I asked Ashton, frustrated.

"Lexie. I'm your friend, I don't want you to get hurt. I said that before!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air.

"He's right." Calum spoke up.

"But." Michael spoke slowly, making eye contact with the two of them. "If Lexie wants to help Luke, then it's her choice. Right guys?" He spoke through gritted teeth.

Amnesia || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now