Street Kingz: Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

~The Next Day

Riley POV

I rolled on my side to check my phone, still no messages from my sister. I shook my head, she was hurt that much I understand but to run off? Really?

Once she heard that Que was in the hospital it was like she checked out, she just left - without a trace. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I climbed out of bed and headed to do my hygiene thing.

I stepped out the shower and headed to my closet to find clothes for the day. I didn't feel like doing much today, hell when did I ever? Craig called me nonstop about our meeting that I canceled on last minute and to be honest I was sick of it.

I threw on a pair of sweats, a cheetah printed t-shirt, some mix match socks and random shoes and headed out for the day. I got into my car as I checked my voicemail; work, Cora talking about work, Craig being a creeper, and some random guy.

I shrugged as I put my phone into the holder and started to drive headed towards my favorite Chinese place the WaterLoo. Parking I grabbed my phone and texted Kemi asking her to meet me so we could have lunch and catch up.

I made my way inside as she texted back letting me know she'd be there shortly, I slid into a booth and ordered my food waiting for her arrival. I drank some of my drink and well just waited I guess. . . .

Zeni POV

I looked out the window of my hotel room and just sighed. How could I let my life spiral out of control so quickly? I was heartbroken when I heard about Que being in the hospital, every time I'd go to see him I would feel bad for the way I had done him the last couple of months and I would leave.

I haven't really been in contact with anyone from my old life. Yes, I'm trying to start over but it's hard I miss my sister and best friend. I managed to land a job at a clothing boutique called "Lady's Choice". It wasn't too bad I guess, they had an alright selection of women's clothing, plus my snug discount.

I had been living out of my motel room for about three weeks now. I'm sure Riley was sick looking for me but I needed to do this on my own. I talk to August every now and then. I know y'all thinking why she still messing wit him? Girl, you boo is laid up in a hospital and you being a thot!

I know, I feel bad I really do. But, August was the only one who understood my need to get away. He doesn't know I live in a motel, I always meet him at my job or a small diner down the way.

I couldn't face the people from my past; they'd judge me for leaving. But what could I do? I snapped outta my thoughts as I made my way to the bathroom to do my hygiene thing. Once I got out I pulled on a tropical colored maxi dress, light brown sandals, and left my hair curly grabbed my bag and headed out to run some errands for the day.

Stopping at the front desk I said hey to Sarah the desk girl. Over the past weeks we had become close and since I was a stranger in this new town I needed a friend or too.

"Hey girl." I greeted cheerily as I began pulling out my wallet.

"Hey yourself, don't worry 'bout it it's already been paid for for the whole month." Sarah replied handing me back my card. I was confused, like bish whet?

"Who - who paid?" I asked looking from side to side.

"Someone over the phone, I wasn't here when it was done. Jackie was so you'd need to ask her." Sarah said shrugging her shoulders. I hated the other desk girl Jackie, she was exactly the type of girl I couldn't stand from back home; broke as hell and tried to make you feel bad about it.

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