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The thought that Niall and I would be living in the same city kind of got me scared. If we lived in the same city, it would be more likely that I run into him there then if I still lived in New York City. But I couldn’t possibly throw away this opportunity that Chace was giving to me. I mean, it was an amazing opportunity to do something I figured I would really enjoy. I must have drifted off in my thoughts because Chace tried to catch me attention. When I didn’t give it to him he waved his hand in my face to wake me up.

“Sorry” I said

“You don’t seem convinced about this job opportunity I’m giving you.”

“I’m really grateful for it, don’t get me wrong, I’m just a little hesitant about picking up my life and moving to LA.”

“Alright, I have to make you fall in love with LA.” He said as he finished his glass of wine. He got up as he waved the waitress over to hand him the check. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “Where are we going?”

“Well I have a lot of convincing to do and there’s a lot to see in LA.”

I smiled as we hurried out of the restaurant. He whistled for a cab. It took us a little longer to grab a cab in LA compared to New York. Chace ended up bringing me to a club. There was a line to get in, but of course Chace had the connections to jump the line. “The clubs in LA are ten times better.” He screamed to me over the loud music. He brought me to the bar and ordered us something called the LA complex. I had obviously never heard of this drink before in my life. The bartender served us the two drinks. The rules were I had to chuck it no matter how bad it tasted. “Plug your nose, it helps!” He says. Just by him saying that I was absolutely petrified of what this lime green drink was going to taste like. “What’s in it?”

“Every kind of alcohol you can possibly think of.” He said, “Have one of these, and you’ll be good for the night.”

I was very intrigued. Anyone who knew me, knows that I like having a good time. I’m a very spontaneous person and go with the flow. Was I really going to say no to Chace Crawford. Of course not. I grabbed the drink and clinked his glass.

“To LA!” I said.

“To You.” He replied.

We both looked at each other and I started drinking my drink. It was absolutely vile. I couldn’t possibly explain what was in that drink. I knew there was definitely tequila in there. It had a very nice after taste however, which didn’t make you want to puke it out after having drank the whole glass.

“Wow.” I said.

“Powerful stuff right.” He asked.

I nodded. I looked around. There were celebrities I wanted to meet all over the place. I turned back to the bartender and asked him to make two pornstars for Chace and myself.

“That’s way too girlie for me to drink.” He told me.

“Too bad!” I said.

As I grabbed my pornstar from the bartender I heard a familiar voice behind me. No, it couldn’t be. I was afraid to look. He was talking to Chace. If I turned around and it was him I would promised myself I wouldn’t scream. I turned to face Chace and the man with the sexy voice. I almost fainted, it was Taylor Kitsch, one of my favorite Canadian actors of all time. Friday Night Lights had been one of my favorite TV series of all time. I couldn’t believe Tim Riggins was standing right in front of me. “And who might you be?” He asked me with his sexy BC accent.

“Whoever you want me to be” I wanted to say. But before I could say anything, Chace interrupted and said, “This is Amanda, she’s the writer from New York I was telling you about.”

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