Hiding Place

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Niall and I were finally back together and I couldn’t be happier. For the rest of the night I had the biggest smile on my face. Everything was finally turning out how I wanted it to. It was about time I told myself. I feel as if a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. We all sat around the table as dessert was served. Mike and Gab told us they had a big announcement for everyone to hear. “We’re pregnant!” Gab said very enthusiastically. Everyone screamed out of excitement. I had talked to Gab about it and this was something that they both really wanted. They had been trying for a couple of weeks now and it looks like they finally ending up getting pregnant. Everyone got up to congratulate the happy couple. Then out of no where, Mary Rose and Zayn looked at each other and started laughing. We all looked at them confused not exactly understanding what they were both laughing at. “Do you want to tell them or shall I?” Zayn asked.

“Tell us what?” Louis asked Zayn.

“We’re pregnant too!” Mary Rose said eagerly trying not to step on Gab’s toes, thinking she was stealing her thunder. This day could honestly have not gone any better. Not only did Niall and I get back together, Mary Rose and Zayn were pregnant, and probably engaged, but so were Gab and Michael. I looked over at Niall.

“Not yet!” He joked thinking I wanted to have a child myself.

The truth was I did want to have a child, just not yet. It was too early and if this was for the long run between Niall and I, we had to take it a day at a time to get our relationship back to normal.

“But I really want one.” I joked and smiled at him. He put his arms around me and held me. I had missed the feeling of him putting his arms around me. As he drew me in closer I smelt his new Armani cologne, he smelt absolutely delicious. I could stay in his arms forever.  He made me feel safe and he didn’t make me feel like I was alone. He wasn’t someone who would ever judge me. He was someone I could talk to, whether it was good or bad I knew he had my back. He asked me if I wanted to dance. Now over the years, Niall’s dance moves had maybe gotten a little better but overall, they were still pretty terrible. I admired that he asked me to dance knowing that he’s not very good at it. He asked me because he knew I wanted to dance. He didn’t care what he looked like out there. He just wanted me to happy. As he held my hand walking towards the dance floor, he whispered in my ear, “I missed holding your hand.” I nodded as we walked together. He brought me in closed and we started dancing together. “I think we need a new song, for our clean slate, new relationship.” I told him. He nodded in agreement. “Next song is our winner?” He asked me.

“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” I winked at him. We both anxiously awaited which song was going to come on. We both stared at Zayn. He looked up at us a little freaked out. From the moment I heard the intro to the song he played, I instantly fell in love with it. Niall and I looked at each other and agreed this was our new song. Zayn had made a remix of Hiding Place and Kiss You Inside Out by Hedley. It was an original song, and the words fit us perfect. In a way, Niall was my hiding place. He was the one I always came running back to. He was the one I felt most comfortable around. He was my best friend, regardless of what happened between us in the last five years. Usually if I broke up with a boyfriend, I would move onto someone else. He had been the hardest one I had to get over, but in the end I couldn’t really get over him. He had always been in my heart; no one could ever claim that part of my heart because in a way I felt like it was reserved for him.

After the reception, Niall and I talked about it and we decided I would spend the night at his house. I really wanted to be with him tonight. I had missed his touch and the way he made my body feel. My feet had been killing me so he offered to give me a piggyback like old times. I hopped onto his back as he walked us to his apartment. I hadn’t given much thought about Becky. Would she be at the apartment? Was she going to move out? Niall had moved out here to LA for Becky, now that they were done, was he planning on staying here or was he going to go back to the UK. All of these questions were filling up my head that I couldn’t enjoy this moment with Niall. A couple of girls were following us from behind calling out Niall’s name. He turned around and faced them with me on his back. The girls were shocked to see that it had been me on his shoulders and not Becky. I guess the break up and the reunion hadn’t leaked on Twitter yet.  You could bet everyone would find out about it now. They looked at us in shock. “Are you guys back together?” One of the girls asked. Niall looked up and me, “I don’t know are we?” He asked me.

“He’s my soul mate.” I told them looking down at him remembering his speech at the wedding. He looked back at the girls, “There’s your answers ladies. Now if you’ll excuse us, I need to get her to bed.” He said.

“Can we get a picture first?” One of the other girls asked.

“Most certainly.” He replied as one the girls gave me her camera to take the picture. Why didn’t anyone ever want me to be in the picture? I started taking it rather offensively.  I mean other than the fact that he was in a boy band what was the attraction to him? I laughed at my own question. He was a total catch, and that’s why everyone wanted him. He was mine though and I wanted the world to know that.  After I took the picture of the girls, they said goodbye to Niall and waved at me. I hopped back onto his back, “I forgot about this Hollywood lifestyle you live.”

“Get back used to it!” He chuckled.

We arrived back at his apartment. I remembered the last time I had been here. I had run out into the street in nothing but a towel. I was the reason that Becky had lost the baby. I didn’t want to think about that though. I couldn’t blame myself. Niall would get angry if he knew I was thinking about this.

“You think you can walk up the stairs?”

“No, I expected to be brought to the doorstep!” I joked as I hopped off his back. He shyly went to go grab my hand.  I held onto it tight. We swung our arms back and forth, creating a little bit of a hop as we moved forward. We had one more set of stairs to climb. I turned to him and screamed, “Last one to the apartment is a rotten POTATO” I copied the way he screamed potato in one of the videos on YouTube. He laughed at me as I got a head start up the stairs. He caught up to me and pulled me towards him from behind. He turned me around quickly and put his hand around my neck and kissed me. “I missed you, boyfriend.” I whispered to him.

“I …” He started to say as he drew himself in closer to me. He then threw me  threw me off guard and ran past me to the door of his apartment, “Looks like you’re the rotten potato!” He screamed back. I laughed as I walked towards. He opened the door and let me in. He closed the door behind him. I felt weird being in Niall and Becky’s apartment. This was their place, I felt like I didn’t belong. He lifted me up and brought me into the bedroom. He carefully unzipped my dress from behind, we didn’t want to ruin Vera Wang, and he started kissing the back of my neck. I slipped out of the dress and fell into his arms. He held me close. Finally, I was where I was supposed to be, his arms were my hiding place. I threw him on the bed and got on top of him. I unclipped his bow tie and threw it to the floor. He unbuttoned his own shirt as I was straddled on top of him. He made his way up my thighs and flipped me on the bed. I start unbuttoning his pants from under him. I got them off quickly and threw them to the ground beside me. He ran his fingers through my hair as he inched his way closed to me. It’s usually awkward when a couple breaks up, hook up other people while their not together and then finally back together, the first time you have sex again. Sometimes the style changes, and it’s not what you quite remember. But it wasn’t like that with Niall. You could say we picked off right where we left off. As he kissed me, I kept thinking, what if we’re going too fast maybe we shouldn’t be having sex the first night we got back together. But it felt so good that I didn’t want to stop it. I just wanted him to keep doing what he was doing because it was making my body feel so incredible. I thought I heard something outside. I stopped kissing him in confusion to see if he heard something too. “Nah, it’s probably just the wind.” He said and kissed my neck. I was pretty sure I was going to wake up with a dozen hickeys on my neck. When Niall drank, he always focused all his energy on my neck. It felt so amazing that I didn’t want to stop. I then rolled him over and got on top. “I feel like less of a man when you’re on top of me.” He laughed.

“Niall, there’s a sexy naked woman on top of you who is willing to do anything to make you have an orgasm, do you really feel less of a man?”

He laughed, “Ha, you’re right.” I kissed him but our kiss was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. There was someone in the house, in the room watching us. I was too afraid to look at who it was. Niall had a quick look and started laughing. Of course he was laughing, this kid laughed at everything. I could feel my face getting red. I slowly looked over to see Bobby and Maura. Oh my God my life was over. 

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