chapter 1

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"swish". I move the glass door so I can enter the house; of course not my house sense I don't belong anywhere.

Over in the kitchen I open the fridge to find something to eat. By closing the door to the fridge, I came out with left over spaghetti that was being eaten by a family of five. It doesn't matter what they looked like, because I don't talk to any one sense I became the lone wolf.

"Honey don't forget to check if the stove is off". The mother of the house calls out to one of her children. In fright I threw the plate in the trash, not really careing that my stomach was only have way full.

As soon as I reached the glass door, a teenage girl comes through the front door."Who are you? Turn around."To my amazement she didn't scream off the bat for being in her house.

When I turned around to face her I saw fright in her eyes almost instantly,as she studied my face. But the biggest thing that scared her the most wasn't the five nail scar running from my left ear to my chin, it was my eyes as they started to get pitch black for being forced to leave my meal.

At long last she saw the scar that has been on my missing and wanted posters. What she did next was the loudest scream I have ever heard. I heard her mother coming now, but as I was shutting the glass door the girl fainted in her mother's arms." Thank God she didn't fall on the tiles." I said as I ran as fast as I could into the woods.

***Ten minutes later***

I was still running until l tripped over a root which made me fall flat on my face. As I sat on my butt to rest I cursed myself for being so clumsy at times. Although it does save my life sometimes but it can get me in trouble with bounty hunters, or regular hunters.

Finally I pick my self up and look for a way to go. I always wanted to go to California with my younger twin brother Will. But that all changed when he disappeared on the night are family was slaughtered by some wolf. We where only six at the time when this happened but I still pondered over how he disappeared. I always  said to myself he would come back because we loved each other. But the police didn't agree with me which made me angry. At that moment a middle-aged couple said they would take care for me since they were my aunt and uncle.

Before I realized where I was walking it was to late. A felt something prick into my neck which I instantly pulled out a dart.

My surroundings started to get fuzzy and spinny. The last thing I saw was a man standing over me before every thing went dark.


"crash" I woke up hearing something coming from my brothers room."Steve what was that?!" I heard my mother shriek from the bedroom down stairs.

As quickly as I possibly could I went into Wills room and found it empty with the window hanging by a single bolt. By then dad came running into the room with a gun?

"Dad when have we had a gun?" I ask him without thinking about being quiet.

"Shh. quite Toby." Dad said quietly to me.

Next thing we heard was mom and Annie scream from down stairs. My dad ran out of the room yelling."Merry hold on I'm coming".

I ran down with my dad and was shocked by what I saw because there was something that wasn't human I could feel it. My dad shot at the creature but nothing happened.

After that all I remember was being slammed into the wall as I caught a glimpse of complete black eyes with a spark of red. But before it really ended was when I woke up and moved my head to a noise. Only now I regret it; what I saw will horribly hunt me for the rest of my life.

Sorry it's short trying to work on it. Picture is Toby.

it will get better and longer soon Hopefully



Warrior out

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