Chapter 24 Don't you just hate.........

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Hey there every body, welcome back to Monster Alpha.

This time we will be looking in the head of a new new character, before  the end of this special chapter. Enjoy comrades.

****( Shay pov)****

" God what are we going to do now? He's out cold." Miley herd my sarcasm at the first part, but Rachael didn't. She was steaming anger, like,like some little girl who's mom won't get them a cellphone, or new car.

"We can't leave him. Look at what they.... What they did." Her anger diminished as soon as it came. Face in hands sobbing by Toby's side Miley and I felt terrible. Sure, we haven't saw Rachael cry since the day her mother was murdered, but we could feel her pain, as strong as her mate should.

Or at least I could. To explain, a few years back when Rachael and I turned 13, about a year before I met my mate, me and Rachel were a thing. We went out, kissed, and drank, you know the regular stuff that all young teens do.  But when I met Miley she was all sorts of jealous of Rachael, somewhat being my first. Not in sex, just kissing, making out.

But it didn't help that Rachael was always high.. Yes she did drugs. Miley came to her senses and aloud me to help Rachael get better.

Rachael came around finally, but turned into a bitch, not to me and Miley, which caused a whole lot of trouble between the both of them, for about a year. Then I had  sleep over and Miley finally realized Rachael wasn't trying to steel me away, I was family.

"Miley do you have an idea?" Asking softly so Rachael wouldn't get alarmed, because Miley still wants to get even.

She looked at me with anger, and betrayal. " Please for Rachael." Sighing as she nodded her head I walked up to Rachael's side. " Rachael, Miley has a plan. She won't hurt him." She whispered a thank you toe, but refused to take her eyes off of Toby.

'Tell her to shift. I'll place him on her back." Miley mind linked me.

"You need to shift, Miley will put him on your back." As Miley transformed back into human I couldn't help myself. Her body was so lean and fit, it was perfect. I remember that just two weeks ago we had a whip cream fight. And when we cleaned are selves up we didn't use water or anything of the sort instead, Miley threw me on the bed and......

"Stop being aroused, this isn't the time." She whispered in my ear as I blushed emerald. Helping to pick up Toby I realized he was really Heavy. "Shay don't help you'll hurt your back more. And don't shift, I'm caring you home." So um ya, it's.a little funny how Miley still gets jealous sometimes, when I'm by Rachael, naked in human form.

Hay we can't help it we're wolves, that shift into humans.

Making sure Toby was secured on Rachael's back I found out how alike Toby's wolf fur is to Mist's fir. Rachael's wolf name. Mist has a dark gray, almost black, she is considered the shadow to mist.

But Toby's was jet black, his fur wasn't even long, long, it was so dark in the hall when I saw him, his wolf jump out the window.

He his the wolf that parents tell kids to be good or he mite visit in your sleep and devours you while you sleep. The Shadow Wolf is a legend, was a legend until I saw it.

****(Rachael pov)****

I heard Toby call back after I howled. He was a couple days away but not even three hours past when I ran into him, well he ran into me. Shock crossed his face then pure fear. In human he recognized me but picked me up and started running.

I knew who it was, he just didn't listen, which then involved Shay hitting thrown in a tree, making Miley pissed, and then reality hit home which made him black out. So now we're all going home so we can get the two looked at.

Sighing inwardly my father was in a rage. The pack doctor must have had someone mind link her because she was there and ready. Doctor Annie looked at both of them. " They both just need bed rest, but as for him pain pills, and well possible therapy may be necessary.

****( few days later)****

Toby was in a comma like sleep again, that brought tears to my eyes every time I thought about it while he was in the hospital. I was happy to let him stay in my room for recovery after he placed two doctors and three nurses in the same hospital for their own recovery. Because just recently he woke up, yelling in pain. Doctor Annie said the mate bond was getting stronger, but he was in a unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people

When he woke up the first few times in my room he didn't try to do any thing, he didn't talk, he didn't move unless I took him to the bathroom every few hours on the schedule, and he didn't even acknowledge I was there.

One night it made me so mad at myself, I stared to throw random shit around the room. I was angry, upset, lost, and lonely.

Someone behind me wrapped their arms around me, before I went to punch the guy, I felt my skin burn where the arms were. It was Toby, he shouldn't be out of bed but I missed the touch of his arms around me.

Toby may not be completely healthy, but he had enough strength to carrie me to my bed and snuggle into my neck before he nipped me with his teeth and licking were he bit. It actually kind of hurt but where he was licking made my core burn.

I would do anything for Toby, to be in his arms for the rest of my life. He loosened his hold on my waists so I moved my hand up my neck to find the feel of teeth marks. He marked me.

"Mine." He whispered and tightened his hold on me not letting go.


Well as I started to write at the chapter entrance

DON'T YOU JUST HATE.... when a the author stops the story right here and finishes it off in the next book to the series.

Well this was fun Comrades. If you wish to continue with this story a update on the next book should be out in a day or sooner.

And thanks you for the people who stuck with the book. and becoming my first 800.



~ Warrior out

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