Hey, guys! It's me, the author! Please don't skip this, it contains important information about the story!
In this book are one hundred quotes from my crazy teacher. The number one hundred is a big number. Biiiiiiiiig! I mean, that's a lot of quotes from one person. How much farther could this book go?
But I still have many unused quotes.
So I'm making a second book.
I don't want this book to become overly long, so I've created a sequel. It's called Smoke 'em Up! (More Wacky Teacher Quotes) and you can find it on my page.
Thank you for reading this far!
Quotes from a Wacky English Teacher
Random"Can we do a little focusing on English and not on innuendos?" My English teacher is really. . . interesting. I mean, does your high school English teacher body check you in the hallway, call you by the name of a character in a TV show, or make ran...