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I flop on the couch in the common room once everyone is in their dorms.

I stole the blankets from the spare bed in the dorm, taking it to the couch to sleep on. Pansy and Millicent glared at me the entire time, but I didn't have the energy to be angry over it.

I lay silently on the couch, staring at the crackling, green fire. Somehow, it's a chilling warmth it sets off, nothing like the Gryffindor common room.

I bite my lip, thinking back to the Gryffindor common room, tears stinging my eyes, missing my old home, the only place I felt safe. I push the tears away, refusing to let myself cry.

I stare silently at the fire that is nothing like home. I turn once I can't stare anymore, feeling a hard lump in my throat. I look up at the windows, seeing the deep, murky water surrounding us. I feel a prick in my chest, feeling even more out of place than before.

I sit up and sigh, pulling my gloves off to inspect my hands. The many cuts are infected badly, and I know I need to drain them and wrap them.

I pull my gloves back on and pull up my sleeve, inspecting my burnt wrist, the burn in the shape of a snake, from head to tail. I see the two small not burnt shapes, resembling two eyes.

I touch it softly, feeling my raised, blistered skin. I grit my teeth in pain, my skin emitting an almost warmth, but to an uncomfortable point, like the burn turned my arm into its own personal heater. That has a tendency to overheat.

I sigh as my eyes roam over the huge burn, "Well that's just fucking beautiful."

"Black? What are you doing out here?"

I whip my head around, ripping my sleeve down to see Malfoy standing behind the couch, staring down at me.

I feel my jaw tighten, "I could ask you the same thing."

But he's not listening to me, he's looking at the sleeve I just ripped down. I see his lips press into a line before he speaks, "How bad is it?"

"Why would you care? You said it yourself that no one wants me here. Just leave me alone, will you?" I turn back to the fire, holding my hands carefully in my lap.

He walks around the side and sits beside me, suddenly reaching forward and ripping my right sleeve up.

I yank my arm away, anger immediately boiling up in me, "What the hell Draco?!"

He rolls his eyes, "Just let me see it, will you? Maybe I can help."

"I think you've helped enough," I say, standing from the couch, "now stay away from me."

I turn to walk away when he grabs my left hand, squeezing it hard. I cry out in pain, my arm going weak under the pressure, "Let go! Please!"

He let's go of my hand, confusion and slight panic on his features. I quickly rip my arm away, holding it close.

"Hold on, isn't your burn on the right side?"

I pause, still whimpering slightly over my hand, "It's really none of your business."

I feel him grab my glove and yank it off my hand, and I'm in so much pain, I don't even fight him.

He stares down at my now bleeding, puss-filled hand. His eyes open wide as he sees it and I feel a tear try to escape but I force it away.

"There, you saw what you wanted to see, now leave me alone," I feel my lip quiver but I refuse to cry. Not in front of Draco.

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