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"You can't train well with your hair down, here, pull it up," Lupin says as he pulls some random ass hair tie off of his wrist.

I send him a look, looking at his wrist then back up at him.

"Don't make that face, it was Tonks. Now pull it up."

I bite my lip, knowing damn well, after all this time of me hiding these marks these past few days, there's no way I'll get away with it this time.

I throw my head over, my heart flying up into my throat as I pull my hair into a high ponytail, sitting back up as I wait for the yelling.

But it never comes. He looks at them, looks up at me, raises his eyebrow, and then shakes his head as he speaks, "Teenagers. Well, let's get on with the lesson shall we?"

I nod as he begins to teach, my face bright red during the entire lesson.

Hours pass, the sun going from high in the sky to dipping below the horizon.

"Alright Cassie, this is it. Give it one more try and we'll call it a night."

I nod as I concentrate, my mind focused on the Patronus Charm as I flick my wand, blue sparks flying out.

At first, that's all there is, until my mind wanders to the train, and Draco holding me so close. I don't even realize as the wolf emerge, sending waves of light in all directions.

And then I feel Lupin's hand on my shoulder, making me lose focus.

"If I don't stop you, you'll blow up the damn house."

I laugh softly, glancing back at him, "S-sorry."

He smiles, "You've come so far since your fourth year. Then, you didn't even know a happy memory to use. Just out of curiosity, what is this new memory?"

I look down at my feet, "I'd really rather not say..."

Lupin nods, "Alright, I understand, it's personal. Now head off to bed."

He giggles to himself, "Although if it has anything to do with the state of your neck, maybe it's best that you didn't tell me."

I smack his arm lightly and cross my arms as he laughs, but I eventually break out a smile.

"You know, you're a lot like your mother."

I feel my blood run cold as my smile fades. I never talk about my parents, or how they died.

"You k-knew my p-parents?" I ask, my voice shaky and small.

"Yes, I did. I went to school with them. I won't lie, your father was a bit of an ass, but your mother, she was one of the sweetest women I ever met."

I smile, thinking of how nice my mother was, and remembering my goofy father, not able to imagine him being an ass.

"Did your parents tell you much about Hogwarts?" he asks, "About their time there?"

I shake my head, looking down at my hands.

"They never really told me anything, to be honest."

"Your mom was a Hufflepuff, and for good reason. She was loyal to the end. You're so much like her. I'm surprised you weren't one yourself."

I scoff, "I'm too mean to be a Hufflepuff."

Lupin shakes his head, "On the contrary, you've been through so much and you're still kinder than those who've been through nothing."

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