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The Ministry

I feel Remus' hand on my back as he leads me through the Ministry halls, guiding me to the large oval room, filled with members of the jury.

My heart beats in my chest, my eyes flashing around the room. There isn't anyone sitting in the seats besides Tonks, Moody, and Professor Dumbledore. They sit apart in two groups, Tonks and Moody down close, and Dumbledore up towards the top of the seats, staring down.

It makes me nervous that he's there, but what makes me more nervous is when I see the cage in the middle, the unmistakable figure trapped inside, staring up at the Minsiter.

I'm behind him, so he doesn't see me when I turn, trying to run out, but Lupin holds me there. I press my face into his chest, my body shaking as he holds me close.

"Cassie, come on, you have to do this," he says, leading me over to the place I'm supposed to sit.

It's facing directly towards where Darius sits, and as I approach the chair, I see his eyes lock on mine.

A smile cuts through his lips, his eyes roaming over my body.

"Wow Ivy, you've sure changed, haven't you?"

I grit my teeth, Lupin still by my side.

Darius eyes dart to him, anger on his face, "And who are you? Her new father? Good luck."

"Silence," Scrimgeour says, his eyes narrowed to slits, "You are to stay quiet until spoken to, do you hear me?"

"Loud and clear," he says, his eyes locked on mine with the nastiest smile on his face.

I feel my teeth grit together painfully, my head spinning as Lupin walks away, back to his seat, up by Tonks.

I see the door to the room open then close, but no one enters.

Scrimgeour sees this, but pays it no mind as he continues to speak.

"This hearing today is to discuss the events of the Parvel and Temperance Black murder. Now, this case is special, even though this happened seven years ago, because Cassiopeia Black, the only known witness, is finally willing to talk about the case. Now Cassie," he says, turning to me, "whenever you're ready, tell us in full detail what happened that night."

I begin to tell the story, explaining the events of that night in full detail. All of the members of the Ministry, people who had never heard any of this before, all completely silent as I tell them of the events of that night.

I look down at my hands the entire time, not making eye contact with Darius. I feel his eyes burning into my skin with his glare, his long, greasy black hair, falling into his eyes.

My whole body is shaking, sweat dripping down my forehead from my nerves.

Once I'm finished, I look up at the Minister who is staring at me long and hard.

"Now Cassie, if the men were all in masks, how so you know it was Darius Avery?"

I look over at Darius. All the fear I'm feeling making me shake even more as I speak.

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