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Walking down the road, not knowing where the hell you are, is actually a quite scary thing. I look around at unfamiliar faces until I find a small cafe, rushing inside and making my way to the back.

I see faces pass by the window, not really sure of what town it is that I'm in.

I sit inside, staring down at the table as a waitress brings me a black coffee, which I quickly take a sip of, trying to get my energy back.

I'm not paying attention, staring down at my coffee, with my back to the aisle. I'm seated near the bathroom, where the door often opens and closes as customers come and go, literally, in a sense. I hear the door smack closed for the seemingly seventh time since sitting here, and I think nothing of it as I set my mug down.

I stare at the warm contents of my cup, trying to think of what to do next until a hand is over my mouth and I'm dragged backwards out of my chair.

I feel the person drag me out the back door, my arms and legs kicking as I try to fight back.

Suddenly I'm thrown hard against a brick wall and a hand connects with my cheek.

When my eyes focus, Darius' face is inches from mine.

I feel a hollow feeling enter my stomach, which quickly jumps to my throat as his hand connects with my torso in a hard punch, sending my insides into a tailspin.

He let's me go and I fall, hitting the ground only for a second until he rips me up onto my feet.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?!"

When I see his rage filled eyes, I notice the hollowness, the bags, the tiredness, and I feel myself chuckle.

"You can't hack it without me there? Can you? No one to punch around and get your frustration out on I suppose. That must be it."

I feel burning hot pain spring across my chest, and suddenly, I'm bleeding. I'm not sure how, nor from what, because it's happened so quickly.

I feel myself laugh as he drops me to the ground, kicking me hard in the chest.

Blood drips from my lips, but I smile as I let my head lay on the wet, cold ground.

"Does this help you Darius? I'm glad it does. I'm glad I actually have some use in your life," I say through my blood filled spit.

I feel his arms wrap around me as he Apparates me away from the alley. When my eyes focus, I'm at Hogwarts, right outside the front gates.

"I don't ever want you coming back to my home. Do you hear that?! You're worthless! Stay at this damned school and rot!"

I feel happiness flood me as I sputter out, "Won't he a p-problem there Darius. I hated it there anyways."

A smile spreads on my face as I lay there, bleeding out in the grass.

I watch as he Disapparates away from me, laying nearly lifelessly on the ground for what seems like forever, slowly bleeding out as the sky fades to a dark blue hue around me, the sun falling behind the tree line.

Two hands are suddenly on me as my vision fades in and out.

"Black?! What the hell happened to you?! Black! Stay awake!"

When I look at the face, it's Draco, his blonde hair and slate grey eyes piercing into me as he looks around, yelling for help.

I feel a larger set of hands, much larger in fact.

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