chapter 11

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Kyle's POV
     Today is the day I get my part of the responsibilities that go with this pack. Today is also the official day that this pack is born. The Ghost Pack. If we continue to train, then we will be as good as ghost. I dont know why Maggie is having us train so much but its good. We havent trained in a while. This will benefit everyone, getting them back into the swing of things.
    I roll over and look at the clock. 5:50. "SHIT!"  I'm going to be late to training! I cant be late. I quickly get up, brush my teeth, pull on some shorts and a tank top along with my shoes and rush out the door. Throwing my fingers through my hair to tame it while I run down the hall. I burst through the door to see everyone already outside and pairing up. I jog over to my beta julain and get ready to train. "Am i late?" I ask. "Nope" julian said popping the "p". I let out a sigh and shook out my limbs. I dont know why i am so nervous... Im the alpha for god sake. "But now you have your Luna." Sin chimmed in. A small smile spread across my features. I quickly blocked him out when I saw maggie coming across the field.
     She walked up to a girl not far from me an julian. They shook hands and then she spoke, her voice so angelic, "alright lets begin a hour and half of training." With that everyone got in their stance and began training. I turned to julain and we did the same. Controlling our breathing and took turns trying to take the other to the ground and try landing hits. Defending ourselves and countering attacks. About half way through the time we changed to our wolves... Everyone except maggie. While everyone was training wolf on wolf, she was fighting human to wolf. It was unnerving. I could hear her tell the she wolf not to hold back, so she didn't. And somehow she didnt hurt maggie. No matter how many times she lunged or attacked maggie seemed to have the upper hand. By the end everyone was watching them. The she wolf otherwise known as erica was getting frustrated and tired of not landing any hits on her. She circled around maggie and after a few laps she lunged at maggie. Straight through the middle of the circle she had created. But it was as if maggie had disappeared. Then out of no where Maggie landed on the back of the she wolf and had her arms wrapped around her neck. Everyone froze.
    After a few minutes she got off, "alright that's enough for today. You all did well. Especially you Erica. You lasted longer than i expected. Any other wolf would have tried to corner me after the first few attemps." Erica shifted and was immediatly covered by a blanket.

"So you did that on purpose?" Ericas voice came out with confusion dripping from every word. And you could tell everyone else was curious as well. "Yes Erica i did. Because i need to know how you can do agaist humans. Because there is a possibility that you will run into a hunter or two in your life time. It will be good for you to know how to attack well trained humans while your in wolf form." She turned around and took a few steps before she turned around and said something. Something that none of us are used to. "Im proud of you. All of you." And with that she walked off.
    Everyone walked away from training with a huge smile plastered on their faces. Seeing everyone healthy and happy made my day. I was completely and utterly contempt. "I hope nothing changes." I said in a hushed voice. More to myself than to anyone else. "Me too." Julian said as he put a hand on my shoulder and walked away. With that I jogged to my room, took a shower and got ready for the day.
     I walked out of my room with dark blue jeans, and a grey button down shirt. I had the sleaves rolled up to my elbows. I walked down to Maggie's study to see her stacking several papers in different directions. She had two stacks and they look exactly the same. I watched her for several minutes. Taking papers from folders, making copies, putting the copies in one pile and the others in another pile. A few minutes later she sat down and sighed. She looked up at me as I began walking in. "I was wondering when you were gonna finish coming in. I thought you were gonna let me do all the work." She said and a small and tired smile came to her face. I gave a small chuckle and began putting papers into folders. Lucky for me the folders were in the same order as the papers, otherwise im pretty sure I just messed them all up. Once we were finished with putting the papers in the folders, she filed one pile away in one of her file cabinets. Then she turned to me with a sly smile on her face. I narrowed my eyes at her knowing she was up to something. "Nothing good can come from a look like that." She giggled and picked up a third of the pile leaving the rest for me. "Follow me and you'll see." With that I quickly picked up the folders and followed her a few doors down the hall. When we stopped we were infront of a heavy pure wood door. It looked old but had a beautiful design carved in to it, with a stain that made it that much more beautiful. She pushed open the door to reveal a very masculine looking office. It had dark heavy curtains, a mahogany desk, several large black shelves filled with books, and a few file cabinets that lined the wall. There was a closet that held several jackets that were in my size, im guessing julian or conner helped her with that. It was wonderful.
     I walked over to the desk and sat down the files. She put hers on top of mine so they were in the same order as they were when they were on her desk. My desk had a computer, a phone, pens an pencils, a calender, and a few empty picture frames. On one of the picture frames was a sticky note. It read
       Maybe one day we can fill these with pictures of us and the pack.

  I was stunned. I turned around to ask her about it but when I did she was gone. I didnt even hear her leave. "I love it." I said through our mindlink. "Im glad you do because its yours, by the way im having someone put something on the door so dont worry if there are some loud noises soon." She replied.
    A few minutes later, just as she said, loud noises were at my door. They lasted about five minutes and then they were gone. I had finished putting things the way I liked them and was working on my computer. Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to get up an look at what she put on my door. I opened it and saw "Alpha" written in gold letters. I couldn't help but smile. With that i walked down the hall and into her study. I saw her sitting in her chair and before I knew what i was doing, I was beside her chair and turning her to face me. She gasped and I crashed my lips against hers. A few moments passed and the she kissed me back. Our lips moving in sync with each other. Tingles erupted through my body making me get hungry with lust. Her hands made their way slowly to my hair and pulled me closer as a moan escaped her mouth. We sat there kissing for what seemed like hours and then she pulled away panting trying to catch her breath.
   While she was panting I could smell her arousal and I started kissing down her jaw, to her neck, and to the spot I was going to mark her. I sucked and nibbled on the skin, earning another moan from her beautiful, kissable lips. I pulled away because if I continued any longer, i wouldnt be able to stop. And this is not the right place nor the right time.

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