chapter 34

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Maggie's pov

  Our first night was amazing. Goddess I love that man. We have been in the royal castle for a week. No one has left. We have been training inside so that there is no way anyone can tell who is their new king and queen. I have been to everyroom in the castle. Everyone has settled in. Couples have their own rooms, kids can have their own rooms, teens have their own rooms. Everything is as if we were still back in my castle. Its amazing. Im so happy to be here.
     Right now I am walking around the castle. Just taking in everything. I have stood on some of the balconies and i can hear my people talking about who I could be. And what kind of ruler I could be. Kids seem to have more hope than the adults which makes me sad. I hope I can be the ruler they need and want.
    Im snapped out of my thoughts by a door. At the end of a hallway. That i haven't seen before. Actually I don't remember this hallway. At all. How many flights of stairs have I went up?
     Slowly I open doors. Office, office, bathroom, bedroom, conference room, kitchen, dining room, lounge, a little girls room that looks untouched... Like a babys  room with a crib and all. Two more doors. A play room filled with hundreds of different toys. Little cars, toy guns, rattles, baby things, everything. Princess dress up clothes, absolutely everything. I wonder who lived on this floor? The last door on the end of the hall. The one that caught my eye. For some odd reason my chest begins to ache. I reach out and grab the door nob and it feels as if my heart breaks. "Maggie? Are you ok? Where are you?" Alex's concerned voice enters my head. "I... I don't know. This floor... Its weird. But Im fine." I tell him.
     Slowly I turn the nob, and gently push the door open. And what I see makes my heart shatter. Pictures surround the room. Pictures of people who look so familiar. "Im on my way!" Alex voice echoes in my head. I don't respond. I walk over to the closest  picture. Its of a man and women in their teens. About my age. Except it looks like me... The woman. Its like another life. Slowly I go from picture to picture. Something seems familiar. Like I should know these people. "Maggie!" Alex's voice booms down the hall. I hear his footsteps coming up the stairs. But don't move from my spot. Looking around it has en suit bathroom, two closets, a huge black and white canopy bed, a desk to the side, and a beautiful balcony.  Then something catches my eye, a fireplace opposite the bed. And above it is the couple. But she pregnant. A figure rushes into the room but I cant tell who it is as my mind clicks everything into place. The baby girls room, the play room, this room, ... The pictures. "My parents." I whisper a tear sliding down my face. My chest begin to tighten and everything slowly turns black. Then its white. And Im in a meadow with Alex beside me. "Moon goddess?" Alex calls out. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Then 3 figures walk out of the forest. Slowly I recognize them. "Moon?... Mom? Dad?" I whisper. They just smile. In a instant Im running through the meadow and so are my parents. We meet in the middle and wrap each other in a group hug. I begin to cry. Dad pulls back. "Oh my baby girl. I've missed you terribly. Please don't cry you'll make me cry." he says as a tear escapes his eye. I smile. "My beautiful baby. Oh how I wish I could have been there." mom whispers. "Wait... Have you been watching me all these years?" I ask... They nod. "We weren't able to contact you. Im sorry. And we haven't been able to see everything since your first mate left." mom says glaring at moon. I nod. And hug them again. Slowly I pull away. "That man... Hes dead... And so is his son." I say outloud as my parents stand by moon and I stand by Alex. "I saw." moon says. "Which I need to know why you gave me that idiot of a mate!" I scold moon. She just smiles. "My daughter. You are a special wolf. And I am so sorry we couldn't protect you." dad says. I nod. "You shifted earlier than you were supposed to.. You didn't unlock your powers when you were supposed to... But you did become the leader you were born to be at the perfect moment." moon explains. I huff. Alex puts his arm around me and a growl sounds. Looking up its dad. "Dad... This is Alex... My forever mate." I tell him. Alex puts his hand out and dad slowly shakes it.. I smile. "Why didn't I see the floor before?" I ask out of no where. "There was a spell put on it... You broke it by entering." mom explains. I smile and nod. "My loves." moon says in a sad tone. "You must go back now." she looks at the ground. A sad smile shows on all our faces. "I expect you to take care of my babygirl." dad tells Alex. "With my life." he answers. Dad smiles as another tear slips. I hug them goodbye and silently cry. I kiss their cheeks and they kiss my forehead.. Like Alex likes to do. I smile and begin to walk away. Alex stays behind for a moment. I guess to say his own goodbyes. But soon we are in the bedroom again. And we sit there holding each other looking at the picture of my dad and my pregnant mom. Then Julian Connor and mazani enter. "Luna, Alpha... There are people asking to meet you." "how many?" Alex asks. "Um.... A lot... A few packs maybe?" Julian says. "Hmmm... I guess it is time to show ourselves to the people. Tell them we will see everyone tomorrow." I say and Alex nods. Alex gets up to help some downstairs and I stay in the room. "Lets move in here." Alex says as he walks out and I agree. So I get up and begin to take the pictures down and move them to the hall. The picture of the day they stood in front of our people for the first time is by itself with their names below it. As is the picture that was above the fireplace. I spend the next hour making collages of all the pictures and putting them in the hall. I take the sheets and blankets off the bed and put them in a box and replace them with mine and Alex's black and red sheets. I start to clean the bedroom, wiping everything down and vacuuming the floor. I then clean the bathroom and get rid of what was in there as it is all been sitting here for 18 years. And put our things in place. Then I move to the closets. I take everything out of dads and moms closet and put it on the bed on their own sides. And slowly I begin to go through it. Each closet has a little room in the back that I decided on getting after I go through these clothes. Soon I am finished going through the clothes and Alex walks it. "It looks beautiful." he says as he hugs me from behind as i pick up the last piece of clothing to put in the box. I melt into him and sigh in content. I feel him smile into my neck. "Anything you need me to do?" he asks. My smile grows bigger. "Well there is a little room in both closets that I haven't opened yet. And I could use help putting these boxes up somewhere also the nursery and play room needs to be cleaned out." I say and he nods. "Ill go through that closet.." he points at dads... "And you go through this one.. Then we can team up on the other rooms and me and the boys can put the boxes up in the basement." he says. "Sounds like a plan." I agree and kiss him. We pull away and go into our separate closets. I open the door and there is a beautiful dress in front of me. On the side is a beautiful set of heels to match and on the other side sits a royal blue felt box. Opening it.. Its a crown. With a note. "Hello my dearest daughter. If you are reading this then our worst fear has come true. Kendrick has crossed us. But that also means that you have took back the crown. I am writing this because we have made a deal with moon goddess. We will watch over you until she sees fit. Im sorry for not being able to protect you. And I am so proud of the woman you have became. I hope you have found your mate. Your true mate. This crown was mine and is now yours. You are to wear it at all formal occasions and meetings. Also when you meet your people. The dress and heels are also the ones I wore. But you don't have to wear those. I love you dear. And I am so happy for you. Everything has turned out right. I know you will be the Queen the people need. I know you will do what is right.
     I love you Maggie..
P.s. That's the nickname I gave you when you were born. I didn't feel like saying Margaret all the time so I called you Maggie. I probably should have just changed it. Im rambling...  Goodbye love." 
    Looking at the crown, dress, and shoes... I know what I will be wearing tomorrow. 

Alex's pov
    I walk into the closet and open the door inside it. And there stands a pair of black formal shoes, a black tux with a gold tie, and a royal blue felt box. Inside sits a crown and a note. Opening the note it reading.
    "Hello son.
              You must be my princesses mate. I couldn't protect her so now you must. Since your reading this that must mean that Kendrick did back stab us and you and my babygirl have took the crown back. I am trusting you with her heart, mind, and soul. If you dare break her i will come back from the dead and kill you. What you see in front of you is what I wore the day I met our people. You do not have to wear the tux or shoes, but the crown must be worn when at formal events and meetings.
     Now I am proud of you. For you have stuck by her side. I have been looking over my baby. For we made a deal with the moon goddess. Please take care of my baby.
        Her dad and your demon."

    Looking at it all, I know what I will be wearing tomorrow.

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