Chapter 28

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P.O.V Cortnee

Niall and I are officially moved in the house. Shelby has been fussy about going to her dad’s house. Every time I bring her, she wants to be picked up later. It hurts to see her so upset about being there.

“Babe.” Niall called from downstairs. “Yes,” as I walked down the stairs. “We have a dinner event tonight” he reminded me. “Are the kids able to go, because I rather them be here to get ready.” I told him. “I think they are.” Niall said, looking down at his phone. “Well, can you call Liam and ask him to drop them off.” I kissed his cheek. “Yeah, babe.”

I went off to the kitchen to have a snack. I sat on the island and got an apple from the bowl. “Babe, he said we will leave in a little bit” Niall said while walking in. “Are we all meeting here or taking our own cars?” I asked him. “We should all take our own cars. Me and you. Zayn and Perrie. Louis and Eleanor. Harry and Liam with the kids.” He said. “I don’t think Shelby wants to be with them though.” I said sighing. “We will ask her. Don’t worry.” He kissed my lips.

Niall and I went in the theater to play PlayStation. He beat me at FIFA. “You suck” I said hitting his arm. “Actually you do” he winked at me. “Nialll” I whined. “Gross!” I stuck my tongue out. He leaned over and slowly kissed me. Right then our gate bell went off a thousand times. Niall rushed to look at the monitor to see who is there. He buzzed it in.

Moments later, I heard “UNCLE NI!!” Taylor was yelling. I rushed to the entrance area. “MOMO!” Shelby ran to me. “Hey, honey.” I kissed her head. “You’re still in your pajamas.” I looked at both Taylor and Shelby they didn’t seem to get dress today. “Yeah, dodo said we could” she said grabbing a hold of my face. Liam walked into the entrance with Niall.

“Hey,” he said looking over me. Shelby ran to Niall, “Up!” she yelled. Niall picked her up. “So Shelby” he said to her, “So Ni” she smiled , “Who do you want to drive me, Me and momo or Uncle Harry and dodo?” he really wanted to get it over with. “You and momo” she giggled. “Taylor how about you” I asked him “Dada!” he yelled. “Okay, please inside voices” I told him.

“Shelby why don’t you show your brother to his room” Niall said putting her down. “Then we will have to go over the rules for tonight” I told them. They both rushed up the stairs and I walked to the sitting room. Niall and Liam followed behind. “Why are they still in their pajamas?” I asked Liam. “Well, I didn’t think it was a big deal.” He said sitting on a lounge chair. “Well, it’s just Shelby hates staying in the same clothes that she wears overnight” I told him.

“It doesn’t matter.” Niall chimed in. “So, got a date for tonight?” Niall asked him. “Nope.” He said causally. “Harry is your date” I laughed. “Cortnee, just shut up.” He said with a straight face. “I was just joking with you.” I told him. “Yeah whatever. Can you tell the kids a the rules so Taylor and I can leave.” He said.

“I will get them” I excused myself. I walked slowly up the stairs. “Taylor and Shelby?” I called out for them. “Momo,”Shelby was only wearing her diaper. “Where are your clothes?” I asked her. “Room” she pointed to her room. “Where’s Tay?” I asked her. “His room” she smiled. “Go see Dodo and uncle Ni” she sat on the steps and pulled herself down. “Taylor, your dad wants to go home” I called for him. Taylor ran out of his room. I picked him up and walked down the steps. “Mummy put down” I put him down and he ran to the sitting room.

“Momo,” she started to whine. “Why are you whining?” I asked her. “Dodo said I stay at his” she pointed to him. “I thought she was coming home tonight?” I asked him. “I only had her for one night!” he raised this voice. Niall left the room annoyed. “Let’s not fight about this.” I said calmly.

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