Living with the monster

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Song- magic by Sia

Eight months later.

It's been eight months since I got married to Richard and it was the worst eight months of my life. To say I'm living like a prisoner beautifies the situation, I'm free to visit only my parents. I've not been able to connect with my friends in the last eight months plus Richard has been behaving like I was not around, he went out early in the morning and came home very late in the evening. By then I'd have been fast asleep because of my condition, he barely asked how I was feeling and I know I should not have expected any pampering from him but he could have acted like I was human and not just some piece of trash carrying his baby. My friends used to call when I just got married but he warned them to stay away from me, he even threatened to sue them if he found them close to me and all the time I couldn't help but think about how monstrous he was.

I'm currently sitting in the living room, eating some popcorn, I'm thinking about how happy I'd be when my baby gets here, my family calls from time to time to ask about my due date I can tell they can't also wait for the baby to get here. After eating, I was watching some Instagram stories on my phone and saw a picture of José and her boyfriend, he was on his knees proposing. I remembered her boyfriend, they've been dating since our university days, I'm so glad they finally ended up together.

I picked up my phone to call José, I prayed for Richard not to find out I'm still reaching out to them.

hey b

OMG, Florence how are you, how are you coping with Richard, I can't believe you actually called, I'm so happy right now.

I laughed genuinely, typical José, I missed my friends so much, at first I thought I'd get to see them when I go to work but he also stopped me from working.

José one question at a time, how do you expect me to remember all you asked me. I'm fine, Richard is well himself. I saw your Instagram post, I'm so happy for you babe, I can't believe you're actually getting married to Michael.

Me too b, I'm so happy, he proposed yesterday night after our romantic date, ooh he's the perfect gentleman.

I smiled, I couldn't help the pang of jealousy that hit me, and I know it's wrong but still it's allowed. But I didn't let the jealousy take over. I decided to ask after Kiki.

How's kiki, it's been long I talked to her

She's fine, we've both been worried thinking about how Richard has been treating you.

I suddenly felt sad but I won't let my friend know this is the thing closest to fun for me since I got married to Richard.

it's ok babe, it'll be better.

I pray so b, you should probably speak to Kiki, She has been worried.

I'll call her when I'm done with our conversation


Don't forget to let me know when the wedding is, I'll find a way to come, I owe you that much

Awwww thanks dearie, take care of our Godchild or children. Bye


I took a mental note to call Kiki later but I fell asleep and woke up about seven in the evening, I went to the kitchen to get something to eat, it's funny that as rich as my husband was, he didn't have maids to run errands in the house, even the cleaning lady came in only five times a week. I found some cereals in the kitchen, I took a plate poured myself some, added milk and took my food to the dinning room to eat.

After eating I sat in the living room and was watching the notebook, I know it's old but I still love the movie.
The door opened and Richard came in looking handsome as always but that's just a cover.
He just walked past me like there was no one sitting where he just passed. He went upstairs and came back later looking refreshed, he was putting on sweat pants and a round neck T-shirt. I have to stop noticing these little things about him if I don't want to get hurt.

He went into the kitchen and when he came out he had an angry look on his face

You know I don't fancy keeping used plate in the sink, you should never do that again.

I began to wonder who he's talking to before I realized it was me, I mean he barely answers my greeting and when he answers it always with a grunt.

I think I'm talking to someone here and not a ghost
Ooh so he's talking to me

I'm sorry, I was very tired that I forgot to wash the plates.

But you didn't forget to eat right???

I just looked at him without replying.

You'd go to that kitchen now and wash those plates
he said as he came to drag me up from the chair roughly, I knew he hated me but I didn't know it had gotten to this stage where he became physical with me.

Fine I'll wash them now, just let go of my hands please.

I was done with the plates so I left to go back to the living room where I left my phone to take it and go upstairs. I picked up my phone to leave when I saw him looking at me like I was trash, I just ignored and went up to my room which was like my haven of peace. When I got into the room, I closed the door immediately and sighed, at least I can call Kiki now.

Kiks!!!! How are you

I'm finnee, I've been expecting your call since, I feel fine now that I've heard your voice. It's nice to know you're taking care of our self and our Godson

IKR, I just can wait to see you guys especially now that the baby Is almost here. I'm very happy for José.

Me too, dear. I just can't wait. I'm sure my son is gonna be cuteee.

Son??? How do you know it's gonna be a boy, I want a girl.

I and José want a boy

That's your business, I laughed

I get to choose because she's in my stomach, ok. I purposely didn't go for scan so I can be surprised. Boy or girl I'd still be happy

She laughed, yea whatever, the important thing is for the baby to be healthy, boy or girl, it'll be loved because it's got two amazing aunts.

Thank you.

I heard footsteps on the hall way so I immediately ended the call and lay down to sleep satisfied.

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