You Again

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I'm so sorry for the long wait, I hope you forgive me tho, I've just been very occupied.

Richard's POV.

I still couldn't believe I met Florence again, everything about her was different but she still looked breathtaking. She didn't look like someone who had given birth, she was just beautiful in her own way.
But the hatred she had for me was very evident and I couldn't help but cringe at the thought that she might never forgive me for everything that happened.

I went to the kitchen to check the fridge for what to eat for breakfast only to meet nothing worth eating except for some junk. I kept it in mind to go grocery shopping later today since it's was a Saturday.

I decided to call Clara to go to shoprite with me to get some stuff and then I switched off the TV to go freshen up.

An hour later.

I called Clara to check if she was ready, she said she was and we both agreed to meet at Shoprite. I picked up my phone and my keys then drove out of my compound.

Florence's POV

Dad was discharged last night and the house was full with friends and family who came to see him. I went downstairs in my night dress to see Zoey sitting on my mum's thighs and they looked so engrossed in what they were talking about, I turned to go to the kitchen to get some tea.
I met IJ in the kitchen swaying her hips to the song I guess was playing from the ear phones she had plugged in her ears.

I groaned loudly as I walked into the kitchen and that seemed to make her realize I was there.

What's wrong sis???

Nothing, I'm just so tired.

Really???, What the hell happened to your face??, you look like someone who's been through an accident. She said as she looked at me with horror filled eyes.

You're not serious, I just haven't had my bath. I was so tired when we got back from the hospital last night, I had no strength to do anything.

OK, I'm just so happy Dad's back.

Same here, IJ. I said while I poured some tea into a cup. I picked up the cup and made to leave for my room.

Hey sis, mum said we should pick up some things for her from the mall.

OK, I have to go now.
I said that as I left the kitchen to go to the living room where mum and Zoey were sitting but Zoey was no longer sitting on mum thighs but on the floor with her attention fully focused on Sponge Bob.

Good morning mum

How are u Loren???

I'm fine, where's Dad and hope he's OK??

He's upstairs and he's better. She said that with a very beautiful smile on her face which made her look less stressed.
I walked over to where Zoey was and sat beside her

Hey baby.


How are you, did u sleep well?.

Yes mummy.

What do u want to eat?,

I'm not hungry mummy, grandma already gave me some cereal.

And where's mummy's own???

It's with grandma. Grandma where's mummy's cereal????

We all laughed, while mum answered her

It's in the kitchen

OK grandma. She stood up to go to the kitchen but I grabbed her and tickled her while she laughed uncontrollably, she laughed to the extent I could see tears at the corner of her eyes.

Please mummy, I won't eat without you again. I'm sorry.

OK baby, I stopped tickling her and stood up, when I remembered what IJ told me in the kitchen, so I asked my mum what she wanted to get.

Mum, what do you want from the mall??

Well, i just want you to get me some food items, I don't want to send the maids because they're quite busy.

OK, no problem. Let me go freshen up so we can leave.

Alright dear.

Richard's POV

We were almost done picking what we needed when Clara left me to talk to someone on the phone, I was pushing the trolley trying to remember the things we picked and the things we didn't, when I felt my trolley hit someone, I wanted to apologize but my apology got stuck in my throat because I wasn't expecting to see Florence and this time she wasn't alone, she was with IJ.

We were both looking at each other before IJ broke the silence

Richard!!, it's been such a long time. she said with a not so pleasant look on her face.

Hey IJ, how have you been.

Been good. She said this as she left I and Florence alone.

All these while my attention had been on Florence who refused to acknowledge my presence. She tried to leave but I held her hand to stop her, but what i didn't expect was the way she shouted

Don't you ever touch me you sick bastard,
I shifted back dazed at her reaction. I knew she hated me but I didn't know the hatred ran this deep.

I'm sorry. I apologized

You should be sorry for yourself though.
She said as she turned and walked away from me but what shocked me was when I saw her minutes later talking and laughing with Clara, who would have thought they knew each other. I slowly made my way towards them and I overheard Clara telling her she wanted Florence to meet her boss which Florence agreed to. When they got to where I was standing, she stopped smiling and asked

Where's he???

Clara gave her a look as if saying don't be silly.

This is my boss Mr Richard and this is Florence. she said introducing us which was quite funny. She turned to Florence and continued talking

he was the one that found Zoey at the airport. she said

Thank you very much for finding my daughter but I have to take my leave now.

Having said that she turned and left. But this time I wasn't sad, I was happy because I had a feeling I would be seeing more of her. I signaled Clara to pay so we could leave.

Here's a little for you to read. I hope you forgive me tho. I promise I will try to update the next chapter faster than this one came.
Don't forget to vote, comment. share. tag friends. In fact nothing is too little.

Even if it's just a vote I'm sure my lazy ass would accept it. Aaaaannd don't mind the errors

PS: I'm open for covers, if you feel u love me or you hate me sef, I just need covers😭😭😭😭😂😂

Haybee xoxo

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