Narrow escape

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I looked around but couldn't find Zoey, we were outside the arrival hall and we had to trek forward to meet up with IJ.

Baby!!!! I called out as I looked around but couldn't find her. I had been looking for her for the past ten minutes and I was starting to get scared.
Baby!!!, I called again moving towards the private hanger, people were not allowed into this part of the airport. I was almost losing hope when I saw a guy holding Zoey's hand and I was already walking towards them when I suddenly stopped and looked at the guy, something about the way he walked reminded me of someone I used to know and I prayed for my guess to be incorrect.

I looked at his face and groaned in defeat, all my plans to keep Richard away from Zoey didn't work out. I just stood there weak as I looked at them confused, I was wondering how she even happened to be here or how he found her. Could he have had someone follow us??? I thought. I just prayed this was just a coincidence.

I took out my sunglasses and a hat to cover my eyes and hair because we were in Nigeria now where the sun was no man's friend. I had to get Zoey one way or the other but I wasn't planning on going to meet Richard. So I just stood there thinking when this lady walked past me, I called her to ask if she had seen my baby and she replied in the negative, so I showed her Zoey's picture and begged her to bring Zoey to me if she found her, I said this to her hoping she might be connected to Richard.
I moved to a place where Richard or anyone couldn't see me, I was thinking of what to do if the kind lady didn't find Zoey, I was still deep in my thoughts when I saw the lady coming towards me with Zoey in her hands.

That's my mummy!!! Zoey yelled while the lady smiled. When they got closer to where I was Zoey ran into my arms

Baby, where were you, why did you leave mummy without saying anything???

I'm sorry mummy, I got lost In the crowd.

It's ok baby. I had forgotten about the lady that brought her to me but the sound of her phone drew my attention to her.

thanks for bringing my baby to me.

It's no problem, I actually found her with my boss and he wanted to meet you but he had a Call.

Ooh send my thanks to him too, we both smiled as I silently thanked God for making Richard busy

I will. She replied as she left us. I turned to Zoey to scold her

Don't leave mummy like that again, ok baby??

Yes mum

Richard's POV

I don't know why some parents are so careless, it was the fear in her eyes that made me walk up to her, she was so cute and she made me remember my baby. I really wanted to help her get to her mum and that I'd do before I leave for Abuja.

I was still walking holding Zoey's hand when Clara came back telling me the hostess's replacement was almost here

she's gonna be here soon

OK, I have to look for her mum, I said as I pointed to Zoey.

Sir, I met a woman some minutes ago, she looked worried and she claimed she's looking for her child. She showed me this baby's picture. Do you think she might be the one??? She pointed to Zoey.

Maybe, maybe not, I have to meet her before I hand over Zoey to her

Ok sir. She replied when a call came in, I looked at the caller ID to see my client calling, I had to take the call so I told Clara to take Zoey to the woman. Clara left with Zoey and I was able to talk to the client.

I just dropped my phone angry because the client had called off the meeting, we were about to sign a deal with their company and I didn't want delays, I turned back to see Clara coming towards me smiling.

I dropped her off with her mum, the woman seemed like a very nice woman.
She noticed I was not smiling so she stopped talking immediately, and I took that opportunity to tell her

The meeting has been cancelled


The client just called to say they have an internal issue, I guess we just have to wait for them to call us. For now let's head back to the office.

OK sir.

We barely entered the office before we started kissing, I really had to stop having sex with her but I just couldn't, sometimes I just needed to let off some steam and she was always available. We ended up having sex in the office, no strings attached, I was happy she knew it was just for fun. After she had worn her clothes, I gave her a long list of people to call and left the office to meet up with Tobi at our favorite eatery. He helped me hire a private investigator to help me find Florence, I had been expecting her in Nigeria ever since I found out her dad was critically ill but there's been no sign of her, I guess her plan to stay away was still in motion and I wondered when she was going to be back or if she was ever going to come back to Nigeria.

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