It couldn't get any worse

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A new chapter guys, enjoy.

So I woke up this Monday morning feeling so weak and tired. Firstly from the fact that I cried my eyes out last night and secondly because I didn't know how to tell anybody about it. I had to call in sick at work this morning so I can sort out things in my life. I felt like going into a deep sleep and waking up to realize the past one month was a dream but the fact still remained that I was pregnant.

I huffed and got out of bed to get ready to find Richard, I knew it's going to be hard getting to see him without an appointment, but it was worth trying. I got dressed, did light make up to cover my gloomy face, and I looked better. I got into my Audi and drove to Ikoyi where Richard's enterprise was located at. I got to the entrance and started having second thoughts, I pushed all the thoughts to the back of my mind and entered the place. The place was huge and beautifully designed, it was nothing I hadn't seen before.

I walked up to the beautiful receptionist and asked to see Mr Richard

Good morning


I'm here to see Mr Richard and it's quite urgent

And you are?, does he have an appointment with you?

I'm Florence, not really, but I have to see him for some personal reasons

She looked at me for some time before mumbling OK. She picked up the telephone to inform Richard of my presence

He's busy now, but you can sit here while you wait for him.

Alright thanks.

She pointed to a chair for me to sit, I sat for sometime and before I knew it I had dozed off. I woke up to the deep voice I hadn't been able to keep out of my head for some time now, I yawned and stood up to greet him, but the look in his eyes was enough to even scare the devil but I think pretended to not notice, he told me to follow him and we walked to his office, he closed the door behind us and turned to look at me.

I took a look around his office, surprisingly it wasn't as extravagant as I had expected it to be but it was nice.

And to what do I owe this surprise visit, surely you didn't come here to just stare at me.

I have something very important to tell you.

He looked at me like he was trying to figure out what I wanted to tell him, he then told me to speak.

I couldn't get the words out of my mouth it was like my mouth became tied when I looked at his face

I....I'mmm...I'm pregnant

He was laughing loudly now

And what has that got to do with me?

I've missed my period for a week now and you're the only person I've been with in the last two months

You can't be serious and if what you're saying is true then u must be very stupid

I suddenly became angry and snapped at him

What? you think I'm lying and why would I lie? do I look desperate for your money, if I wasn't drunk do you think I'd have slept with somebody like you?

I hissed loudly, took my bag and angrily stormed out of his office, I didn't cry when I got to my car, I only began to cry when I got to the comfort of my own home.

Another chapter done, let me see what you think in your comments.
Vote for my story, plllleasse.😊

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