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Hi Florence, mind if I join you?

Actually yes.... why are you everywhere?!!

Hmmmmm, And who's this cutie here? He pulled Zoey's cheek causing Zoey to smile widely, she loved compliments a lot.

That's my daughter, Zoey.

Wow, she looks a lot like you, except for the complexion of course. She's a bit darker

I know right, I get that a lot though. She's got to look like me, who else if not me?

Her Dad??. He Asked, I didn't know what he was playing at but I decided to play along.

Ooh he's out of the picture.
He opened his mouth to talk but I think he decided not to. I decided to change the topic.

Are you not having anything, you can't tell me you came here just for nothing???

He laughed, He still looked handsome as always. His hair still as thick and curly as before and I was almost tempted to reach out and touch his hair.

No, I already had something and was about leaving when I saw you and decided to say hi.

That's very thoughtful of you.

He looked at his wrist watch and stood up.
I guess I have to leave now, it was nice meeting you, can I get your number so I can at least call you.
I hesitated before replying.

Sure. I called out the digits and he saved it on his phone. He called, I think to be really sure it was my number and when he heard my phone ring, he sighed in relief.

Thanks, Bye cutie, see you some other time. Bye florence.

Bye Richard.
Our pizza was cold by the time I picked it up so we couldn't eat it there, we had to take it home.

IJ left for school that evening and the house was already boring, Zoey was with mum downstairs, mum was braiding her hair so I just used the opportunity to scroll through my Instagram feeds and watch some comedy skits. Was still on Instagram when Richard called, I wanted to make sure it wasn't a mistake so I didn't pick up till it rang for the second time..

I almost thought you weren't going to answer my call. I laughed

No, I was just busy doing something.

Ooh, I can always call back then.

It's fine, I can talk now.

Just wanted to make sure you got home safely.

I sure did.

Well that's good.......
I could guess he wanted to say something else but I didn't know what was holding him back.

So...... Anything else you wanna tell me, I'm starting to feel sleepy..

I.......will you go on a date with me?

I don't think t......

just look at it this way we're meeting for the first time and I'm trying to ask you out on a date, would you turn me down just like that..?

Well no, you aren't exactly a stranger.



Pleeeasee, i won't end the call till you say yes.

Very well then, watch me sleep, rather listen to me sleep.

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