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My debut was finally here. In two days, I would be in front of the world as a K-pop artist under BigHit Entertainment.

It was surreal. I practically lived in my rehearsal room for the past month, going through the songs millions of times and making sure every single detail was perfect.

I walked over to the sound system and started the song. I quickly ran into place. I started the choreography. After about thirty seconds, I slipped and fell. I let out a frustrated grunt before getting up and walking over to the sound system. I stopped the music and restarted it. I ran to my place. After forty-five seconds, I missed a cue for a key move. I sighed and restarted the track.

I went through the song again and again, messing up again and again. After an hour of running through the same track, I laid down on the floor. The track was still playing but I didn't bother to stop it. I stared at the ceiling, breathing heavily. Eventually, I got up and walked over to the sound system. I stopped the track and restarted it. I went to my spot and started the choreography again. This time, I made it all the way through without a mistake. I smiled at myself and started the next track. I went through the choreography for the second song for about an hour and a half. During my last run, the door opened and Jimin walked into the room with Hoseok behind him. I stopped dancing and stopped the track.

I couldn't remember the last time I had actually talked to any of the members. I knew that I saw them all three months ago but I didn't think I had talked to any of them since then. I had been so busy with preparing for my debut.

"Hey you." Jimin said with a smile.

Hoseok closed the door.

"Do you mind if we watch you?" Jimin asked.

"I don't mind." I responded.

Jimin and Hoseok sat down on the floor. I started the first track again. I ran to my spot and got into my starting position. I went through the choreography perfectly. Then the second track started and I went through the second set of choreography. As I went into the last set, my whole body was shaking. I went through the song, giving my all. In the last thirty seconds of the song, I started to get lightheaded. I pushed through as if everything was normal. I hit my ending pose and held it for a few seconds. Jimin and Hoseok clapped and cheered for me. I felt suddenly very weak. I let my body collapse to the floor. I stared at the ceiling, my ears ringing and my breathing labored. My whole body hurt. I then saw Jimin and Hoseok leaning over me with very panicked expressions on their faces. I felt Jimin's hand on my arm. Then Hoseok disappeared from my vision. Jimin's lips moved but I couldn't hear what he was saying. His lips moved faster but I still couldn't hear what he was saying. My eyes became heavy. I felt Jimin's hand on my neck.

Then I saw Hoseok kneel down on the other side of me. He looked very concerned. I then saw PD-nim's face. He was on the phone with someone. After what seemed like a while, the ringing stopped my hearing started to come back. I looked at Jimin.

"Can you hear me?" He asked in a very concerned tone.

"Yes." I said weakly.

He sighed.

"The ambulance is on its way. Just hang on for me." Jimin said.

I looked over to Hoseok. He had tears in his eyes. I moved my left hand towards him. I felt him grab my hand.

"I'll be okay." I said, struggling to breathe.

About a minute later, I heard people rush into the room. Hoseok and Jimin squeezed my hands before backing away. Someone unfamiliar kneeled over me. He shined a light in both my eyes. He dug through a bag and pulled out a portable oxygen mask with a small oxygen tank attached to it. He put it over my mouth. It suddenly became a little easier to breathe. My eyes became heavy.

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