twenty eight

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It took us all three days that I had before leaving for America to move everything into the new house and hurriedly wash and pack my clothes into my suitcase. Jinwoo and I rushed to the airport early and got on our flight. As soon as we landed, we went straight to my first interview.

As soon as we pulled near the building I was in awe. We parked next to a car and Jinwoo got out. A man stepped out of the other car and shook his hand.

It was James Corden.

Jinwoo opened my door and I stepped out.

"Oh my gosh hi!" James said excitedly, his British accent standing out.

"Hello!" I said enthusiastically.

"I'm happy to have you here." He said with a smile.

"I'm so happy to be here." I responded happily.

"Are you ready to start filming?" He asked.

"Of course!" I responded enthusiastically.

We laughed a little. I started walking over to the passenger seat of James's car.

"I'll be right behind you!" Jinwoo shouted.

"Saranghe!" I shouted back.

James and I got into his car. He started to drive out of the parking lot.

"I'm so glad you're here to help get me through this awful traffic. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you." James said.

I smiled.

"Of course. Anytime." I said.

"Do you mind if we listen to some music?" He asked.

"Sure. Let's do it." I said.

My most popular song, Young, started playing. James and I both sang along until it was over. Once it was over, I glanced at him, waiting for him to bombard me with questions. He stayed silent for a minute.

"So, you were an artist here in America for a while and then you moved to Korea and became an artist there. Were you born in America or Korea?" He asked.

"I was born in America but I lived in Korea for a few years when I was younger and a coup years after I moved out of my parents house." I answered.

"So, what made you move to Korea to become an artist?" He asked.

"I didn't have friends here. The only people I had here were my mom and my sister. All of my best friends and my family lived in Korea so it was very hard for me to balance spending time with my friends and family and working as well. My plan originally was to move my mom and my sister to Korea with me but I ended up moving by myself." I said.

"Why didn't your family come with you?" He asked.

"It just didn't work out the way we wanted. I would have been provided a place to live but I didn't have money to buy them a place to live." I lied.

I was not ready to talk about them in an interview yet.

"Do you still go visit them?" James asked.

"Yeah, I always visit them when I come to America." I said.

"Well that's good." He said.

He played another song and we sang.

"You are the first K-Pop artist I have interviewed and I'm a little curious. How is life as a K-Pop artist? Give me a glimpse into your day to day schedule." James asked.

"It changes all the time. Most days I'm either rehearsing or I'm on tour."

"Didn't you just finish a tour?"

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