Part Five

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"Damon Salvatore, I love you" He says.

~~Damon's POV~~
It happened. After all these years someone loves and chooses me. I don't know what to do or say so I run. I just run. I run all the way to the Boarding House, go to my room, and get under the covers. I hear Stefan come in shortly and he doesn't even bother trying to know what's wrong. I then decide to go to sleep. After hours of tossing and turning, I finally do manage to fall asleep, but I get a weird dream.
~~Damon's Dream~~
It's pitch black and all I hear is the voice of a women. I can only hear bits and pieces of what she saying. Things like "it must be done" and "they must die" then it all becomes clear, and I see Esther Mikaelson. She then says "Hello Damon Salvatore. I'm sorry I have to talk to you through your dreams but I couldn't find another way. Anyway, we have business to attend to."
I then say "Since when do you and I have business together?"
She looks at me and I stop talking. She continues and says, "You hate my children and I have a way for you to get rid of them once and for all."
My eyebrow raises when she finishes her sentence. I then say "Wait let me get this straight your gonna make a way for me to kill your children. So you're don't want to be a family or any of that bullshit."
Her nose crinkles at my use of profanity, and then says yes.
"How?" I ask.
She then says, "I'm going to make you strong, fast, like my children. Indestructible. For one final time I'm going to tap into the dark magic I used a thousand years ago. Like my husband Mikael before him I will make you into a true hunter, the vampire that will end all of my children. So tell me, do you agree."
After hearing this I hesitate to say an answer. Esther saw this and there said "I chose your for a certain reason I know how you feel about Klaus, but I'm speaking about Kol, I know about your relationship and how it ended with him leaving you broken and alone. I also know that your still anger and desire vengeance that is why I chose you."
I try to put my own feelings aside and think about the good of Mystic Falls and hell the rest of the world. With a shaky voice I say, "I'll do it."
"Excellent then I will make preparations for the spell and I will contact you by the end of the day." With that she was gone.

~~End Dream~~
When I woke up I was out of it. I was confused. Was it just a dream or was it real? I decided not to tell anyone. After sitting in my room for hours, I hear a knock on my door. I open it and no ones there. I look down and on the floor there's a map, with a circled location and it's set for 5pm. So my dream was real. I then start devising a plan to confront Esther.
~~5 hours later~~
The time has come and I'm at the location told me to meet her at. "Ah good you came."I hear from a voice behind me. I turn around and it's Esther. "So your going to make me strong enough to kill your children." I ask "Yes" she says. "Then lets get started I say." After she chants for a while over a bowl of Elena's blood, then makes me drink it. Afterwards she stabs me with a knife and all I see is black.
~~A While Later~~
I wake up sore and hungry, Esther then hands me a blood bag and I drink it. Then it hits me I'm an original I'm in fact stronger than them. Esther then gives me the ultimate version of the white oak stake. I start thinking this is the thing the could end the Mikaelsson's. I think about if they maybe deserve a second chance, or how if Elena never gave me a second chance where would I be? In my mind I make my decision, Esther looks at me and starts giving orders. I do the riskiest thing I've done all week and run up behind her and snap her neck. Well gone one problem, now it's time to deal with the others. I then run to my house and it's amazing. I'm running faster then I ever have. I stop at the front door when I hear arguing. I hear the Mystic Falls Gang yelling and then I discover they're yelling at the Mikaelson's, who are yelling back. I hear Stefan and Elena telling them to give me back because they think I've been kidnapped, Kol demanding that I show myself, Caroline yelling at Rebekah and Elijah, and Finn is in the corner talking(more like flirting)with Bonnie, and Matt, Jeremy, Tyler, and Klaus standing on opposite sides of the room trying to stay uninvolved. I guess it's time to make my entrance. I then bust the doors open and say, "Wow all this for little old me" finishing it off with a smirk. Most of their moves dropped when I did this. But not Kol, Kol practically jumps me and hugs me asking me where I've been and if I've been hurt. After a couple of seconds I push him off and make my way over to my liquor cabinet. After I make myself a drink, I sit down and say, "I guess your wondering where I have been. Well I was actually having a nice long chat with the original witch. She summoned me during a dream and made a deal with me. I become a stronger version of you, and she gives me a way to kill you guys." I say while holding up ultimate white oak stake. "So before you ask, I killed Esther. So now I'm left with an awesome new upgrade and a way to kill you guys. I call it a win win for me." I say finishing off my story. I guess they don't believe me, so I broke the coffee table, stab a piece of it in my heart, and took it out to prove my point. The look on their face was priceless, but now I have to think about what I'll do next.

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