Part Eleven

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Kol's P.O.V.
I walk into the Mystic Grill looking for Damon. I know setting him up wasn't the best of ideas but I wanted to know his true feelings about the cure. I knew he was reluctant about the cure but to here that he rather die the take it to be with me made me furious. I don't even know what I was mad about specifically. Was I mad that Damon and I were doing swell and one thing like this set us back to square one, or the fact that I just don't understand why he would never want to take the cure? After spending some time reflecting I realized that me and Damon just needed to talk. I set out to The Mystic Grill knowing he would most likely be there. He was looking at three individuals and his gaze was predatory. I take the seat next to him. He turns around.
"Can we talk Darling?" I ask not looking him in the eye. I don't know why but I just felt like I couldn't look him in the eye.
"Maybe later." He said not even paying attention to me. I followed his line of sight, and I saw that he was fixating on some guy at the pool tables. The guy gets up to leave and so does Damon. I follow them to the back and see Damon ripping into the poor mans neck.
I usually don't mind him feeding but we made an agreement to not kill. The guys heartbeat was decreasing quickly, so I push Damon to the ground.
"What the bloody hell are you doing? I ask while feeding the unconscious man my blood.

"Just getting a drink" He says with a bored tone while picking himself up.

"You almost killed him" I say, alarmed by his lack of caring.

"That was kind of the point. And since when do you care about human life? He says and I'm shocked

"Darling what is wrong with you? Is this about the fight?" I ask.

"Honestly I really don't care about that stupid fight. Now I'm gonna go. You know, things to do, people to kill." He says while walking to his car.

"You think I'm just gonna let you just walk away after this?" I says while walking in front of him.

"You don't have a choice" He says and those where the last words I heard before darkness consumed me. My last thought before darkness consumed was "My precious Damon, please come back to me."

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