Part Nine

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The next day
Damon's POV
I wake up from my dreamless slumber. I look at my phone and see it's 9 o'clock. The Scooby-Doo Gang and The Mikaelsons are going to this mysterious island 200 miles off the coast of Nova Scotia. I'm still deciding if I want to go. I want to protect my friends and family but if they get the cure it will just put them in more danger. Like what would happen to Kol's sire line if he took the cure. Would ever vampire die, or turn human? But that's not what I'm worried about. What if it works and he becomes human. I love him, but I love being a vampire, an original no less. If he takes it, to be with him, I would have to take it.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Soon Klaus and Stefan we're walking through the door. "What do you guys want?" I asked. " We are heading to the island in a couple of days." Stefan says. I roll my eyes and say thanks.
"You don't want to take the cure, do you?" Stefan says genuinely confused. "No I don't want some cure that will make me human so I can just grow old. I rather die right now." Suddenly Kol walks through the door and he's pissed. "You would rather die than be human, and you expect me to be okay with that?" Kol yells angrily at me. "I didn't say you were supposed to be okay with it. But you know what I am? Selfish, because I make bad choices that hurt you. Yes, I would rather die than be human. I'd rather die right now than spend a handful of years with you, only to lose you when we're too old and sick and miserable to do things and enjoy life. I'd rather die right now than spend my last final years remembering how good I had it and how happy I was, while I'm sitting in some nursing home rotting away. Because thats who I am and I'm not gonna change." I turn and look at Klaus and Stefan just standing awkwardly in the living room. "This was a set up wasn't it."I say say. Stefan looks down at the floor guilty and Kol and Klaus decide it time for them both to go.
I go up to my room and really think. Is all of this worth it? I mean, the guy I love wants to change me into something I don't wanna be, my brother is against me having the cure so he and Elena can take it and live happily ever after, and I don't know what to do anymore. Then I remember. I have the switch. I know it not the best idea but I just need a break from everyone and everything. With no hesitation I flip it and I immediately feel amazing. "This trip to the island is gonna be fun." I think as I start packing my bags.

Hey guys I know this is really late, but I've been really busy with school. But, I do promise to carve out more time to write. I love you guys.

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