Part Sixteen

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Damon's Pov
I already regret this.

I forgot how annoying a new born vampire can be. Christian woke up about 2 hours ago and they by far have been the worst 2 hours of my immortal life. First he woke confused and annoyed. He then complained about it being to bright and his eyes were hurting. Next he said he was hungry and his teeth were hurting so I gave him a blood bag. He drank it and then I compelled him to take a nap so I could get a break. Just when I started to relax, he woke up and he didn't recognize his daylight ring and took it off. No there's a hand shaped char mark on my seat. After asking me why he now burned in the sun and drank blood, I had to explain to him that he was an immortal vampire who now has to do my bidding. The thing is he took that news the best. His exact words where "Oh ok."
"That's it? No "you ruined my life" or "why would you do this?" I asked honestly confused.
"Yeah that's it" he says turning around towards me.
"Not interested in what I want to do to you? Or who I am?"
"Surprise Me" he says answering the first questions.
"And yeah who are you?" He says while looking at me up and down. He then winked at me. Oh that's cute. He thinks his got game. Ok I'll bite.
"Damon Salvatore." I say with my signature smirk.
"So where are we going Damon?" he ask putting his hand on my thigh.
"To a hotel. I wanna shower and sleep in an actual bed tonight." I say putting my attention back to driving.
"Then away we go" he says leaning back into his seat.

Time Skip
We finally arrived at the hotel at around 10-ish. I decide to go take a shower ASAP. Christian asked if he could join but I told him to go out and get me some good bourbon. He left with little resistance. After I toweled off I got dressed in some sweats pants. It's hot so I decided to forgo wearing a shirt. I was relaxing until I felt the presence of another vampire near by.
"Hello Damon" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn my head to be met by a familiar sight.
"It's you" I say recognizing her instantly.
"The one and only" Katherine said with a smirk. I decide to knock her ego down a peg.
"Elena?" I say. Her faced scrunched up in disgust.
"Try again" she says trying to remain cute.
"Tatia?" I guess again incorrectly.
"Ok that bitch has literally been dead for centuries." She says losing her cool.
"We haven't even met her yet! It's me Katherine." She says while flipping her hair.
"Oh" I say. I'm honestly not interested in playing with her anymore.
"Oh? That's all I get? No psychotic doppelgänger? No evil vampire slut, no evil one, no Kitty Kat? Come on where's the hate, the betrayal, the passion?" She says bewildered at my lack of enthusiasm.
"I don't know if you know this Katherine but a lot has happened since you were last in town." I say
"You mean Elena's transformation and the Mikaelson truce? I'm well aware." She says confidently, unaware of all of the stuff that's really happened this pass months. I decide to drop a bomb on her and ask,
"Oh so you're aware I'm an original now?"
"Of course I do. I'm not an idiot." She says with a blank face.
"Ok how about the fact that Im completely over you and have or had a successful relationship with Kol?"
"No way. You just trying to trick me." She says thinking she was right.
"Or that Elena, Stefan, and Elijah are in this weird love triangle throuple thing." I say giving her all that news she missed.
"I-Im speechless." She stutters out of shock.
"Or that no one, Not Klaus, not Stefan, or Elijah, absolutely no one gives a shit about where you are or what you're planning." I say ripping into her.
"Wait so I'm free. Klaus is finally done searching for me?" I feel my rage try to break through at the comment.
"Of course that's the part you care about. Yes your free. Me and Caroline made him agree to stop chasing you so we can finally be at peace." I say regaining my composure. We at first just sit in silence as she tries to digest this new info. The she bust into a fit of laughter and says,
"All these years of running and it was solved because you dated his brother. If I knew that's all it would have taken I would have given you to him the minute I met you."
"Of course you would." I say not shocked be her revelation.
"So now that you've caught me back up to speed. Tell me what you left out." She says while she files her nails.
"I didn't leave anything out." I say not felling like talking.
"Yes you did. You left out the reason your here, In Chicago, away from your boyfriend." She says with a face of pure mischief,
"It's none of your busin-"
"You also failed to tell me why you're humanity is off." She says. Damn I forgot how perceptive she can be.
"Like I said, before I was so rudely interrupted, it's none of your business." I say
"What is there trouble on paradise? A lovers quarrel?" She says
"What would you know about love." I questioned trying to take the attention of me.
"Oh Damon your humanities showing. Plus I did love you once. I mean, I loved Stefan and Elijah more, but you and your blue eyes will always have a place in my heart." She professes
"Why are you here Katherine?" I ask
"Well I was here to tell you about Silas and convince you not to look for the cure. But judging how your groups disbanded for the moment I suppose that can wait." I was curious about Silas but I was still more interested in what her plans are now.
"Well know that I'm free I have no idea what to do with eternity. I've spent so long running, I've screwed so many people over." She professes.
"Oh don't tell me your felling remorse." I reply not believing her bullshit.
"God no, but now that your an original you could kill me quite easily. Plus your the unofficial leader of the Scooby-Doo gang. Having you as an ally would be much more beneficial for me." She says.
"Now why would I align myself with you. Plus I'm done with Mystic Falls." I reply.
"Oh please your not done with Mystic Falls. If you were you would have at least killed a few of them." She says
"I still wanna know what happened. Tell me." She says.
I start to tell her everything about the cure, Kol, and the Elena, Stefan and Elijah thing. She was surprisingly a very good listener.
"So the reason your humanity is off is because Kol wants to take the cure, You don't want to and Stefan framed you." She ask.
"Pretty much" I say.
"You also turned a guy because you didn't want to be lonely as you reeked havoc.
"Also yes"
"Yeah that's pretty dumb." She says as she pulls some nail polish out of her purse and starts doing her nails.
"But thanks to your dumb choices, I now have something to do."
"And what's that?" I ask, genuinely confused about what she was planning.
"Starting today, I'm gonna help you. I'm gonna make you turn your humanity back on. And when your humanity is on, we're going back to Mystic Falls. Once where there your gonna convince them to let me stay and also help me win Stefan." She says as confident as ever.
"And why would I agree to that? Why wouldn't I just kill you now and be done with you." I say my fangs showing.
"Oh honey, I've been avoiding the originals for centuries. If you really think I'd walk in here without an escape plan, you must be either instance or dumb." She says.
"And if you don't let me help you, I'll have a witch that owes me a favor put spell on you that will constantly tell the Mystic Falls Gang your location." She says sauntering over to me.
"Deal?" she says as if I have a real choice in the matter.
"Fine, but if you annoy me I will rip out your spleen, cook it for you, and make you eat it. Are we clear?" I ask in the same tone.
"Crystal" she says with a wink.

At that moment Christian walks through the door.

"Damon I'm back with the bourbon" he yells.
"Is this the infamous Christian you told me about." Katherine ask. The prospect of having another toy to play with exciting her.
"Hey Damon, who's this?" Christian ask staring at Katherine.
"Hi. I'm Katherine. You must be Christian." She says holding our her hand.
"Oh great. I have a 500 year old vampire flirting with my baby vampire. What the fuck is my life?" I say as I poor myself a big glass of bourbon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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