Part Eight

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~~Damon's POV~~

2 months later
Things in Mystic Falls have been great. Kol and I are doing well, we've decided to take things slow, not rushing into things. The Scooby-Doo gang and the Mikaelsons have actually become friends. Klaus has joined me and Alaric as drinking buddies. Elena, Bonnie and reluctantly Caroline welcomed Rebekah into their friendship circle. Kol and Rebekah decided to go to school, and Elijah took Finn to travel the world and see what he had missed in his 100+ years of sleeping. Everything was actually going amazingly until the accident. The girls went to the movies and were walking on the side walk. Elena tripped and had cut her hand on a broken glass bottle. Rebekah gave her some of her blood and it was forgotten. The next day, Elena had to stay behind at school to make up a test. She was driving home late, and was barely awake. She closed her eyes for seconds and her car drove off Wickery Bridge. Elena died that night. Now she's a vampire.
She isn't handling it well at all. Elijah came back to train her and it was a disaster. She was giving up hope until we got a message from a hunter named Connor Jordan. He tried to kill us, but before we got rid of him he revealed to us that there was a cure. A cure to vampirism.
We were all working together as a group. We thought we would be able to do whatever we wanted with the cure. That is until Klaus discovered a message in an old language that there was only one dose for the cure. Just when our group started to fell like family, it was torn to shreds. Our little truce was gone and it was every man for themselves. Kol and me even got in a fight. He wants to be human again. He then told me that if I'm not with him, I'm against him.
It's now every man for himself. Klaus and Stefan are working together. Their deal is Klaus gets the cure so no one could use it against him, and gives it to Stefan. Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Alaric and Elena are working as a team to make sure Elena gets it. Elijah is working with Rebekah, so she can have the cure. Kol teamed up with some creepy professors named Shane and Katherine. Yes Katherine Fucking Pierce. He did it simply to piss me off, and trust me it worked.
Honestly I don't even know what to do. I mean I want Kol, my brother and my friends to be happy, but having them fight to the death over some "cure", that may or may not be real, is ridiculous. I tried sitting each group down to talk but that went even worse.
Klaus was saying that none of them stood a chance against him (He forgets Esther made me to be able to kick his hybrid ass).Elena, Rebekah, Kol, and Stefan all gave sob stories on how they never wanted this life and that's why they should get it.  Then it gets worse cause they ask me to pick a side. I was apparently a "valuable ally" and wanted to know if my allegiance lied with them. They said they couldn't trust me if i didn't. At that point I got annoyed, and told them to get the hell out of my house. I got extremely drunk that night and was spread out on the couch missing my friends. My last thought was, " Was this cure worth destroying our Family?". With that final thought l let the darkness take me and I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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