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For the love -
Why don't you take that thing off?

My jacket is part of me
it's old, worn, torn, and stained
but it's mine
it's me

You look like a homeless person in that.
We'll get you a new one.

You don't understand
this one
only this one
is me

But it's summer!
It's hot!

Don't worry
I've hiked in one hundred degrees 
with this thing on
it knows me

Oh, you have arms?
I've never seen them before!

I like to keep them covered
there's no scars there
(except for the microwave one)
but I'm afraid

I know there's nothing there
and that's why I'm afraid
I'm afraid that one day
I'll look

and I'll find them.

in my mind, i'm screamingWhere stories live. Discover now