Disk 5: Model P and Siarnaq

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"Aile and Vent have to go back to the Hunter's Camp again? How about their paperworks? I can't keep doing these for them." Cielle complained while scanning the latest report from her squad. She let out an irritated sigh before telling Fleuve that she will 'try' to accomplish everything on time.

'Yeah, right. Like I can do that. Tch. Then I have another mission after that. Just great and I'm starting to get lazy again. Wao.' She thought to herself. Opening her room, she was astound by the sight of towering paperworks in her wake. She cursed before accepting that it was her fate to actually only their work for eternity.

'What did I do to deserve this? I've been a good girl.' She cried. Just then, her biometal, Model I, appeared before her and asked if they could investigate a certain area below them. There was some kind of disturbance he had been feeling ever since they reached the place.

"Hey, brat. I'll let you see the location of that imbalance I had been feeling. Better remember it."

"Huh?" Without even hearing her answer, Ionis showed her a map and the disturbance was present near the Legions HQ. As far as she could remember, Legion was the governing body of the area they were currently in. It was larger than their previous location. It was said to be ruled by three sages: Master Thomas, Master Mikhail and Master Albert. The goal of this government was to bring equality between humans and Reploids, giving humans mechanical parts and assessing Reploids' lifespans. Not bad for a ruling body but this was not exactly her forte nor was this her favorite thing to do in the world.

"Legions HQ huh? I'll get to it later. For now, let me drown in this paper work and revive myself with chocolate drink. I'm not joking." She turned back to her work while Ionis huffed and went back to his dormant state. The papers on Cielle's hands started to get weirder day by day. There had been a strange increase in the appearance of Mavericks and this was simply not something the Guardian's could just ignore. She took note of that and created a soft copy of her report to immediately inform Aile and Vent.

"I'm sure that they are already aware but I hope that they know its degree."

She was about to submit her work when she noticed an envelope in her desk. Inside was a disk and she was sure that it was not there a while ago. She suspected that somebody entered their ship and her room just to deliver this. Whoever entered the Guardian Base should be treated as a threat, however, something told her that the person who sent it meant no harm.

"I'll open this one later." She muttered before leaving the room to deliver the stupid papers she just had finished. Fleuve thanked her but she just brushed it off. Aile and Vent were always like this. Leaving her alone with papers and always coming back as if they were just gone for a few hours. She grew tired of it. Suddenly, her necklace heated up and it was very strange. The last time it did that was years ago and maybe a couple of days before (when she met Ionis). Quickly, she returned to her room and shook her biometal awake.

"What is it, brat!?" She dismissed his scowl before holding her necklace in front of him. Ionis was struck by the fact that the necklace was lighting and seemed so familiar to him. He remembered the slot behind him and ordered Cielle to put it there. His whole system suddenly changed into a computer system. It showed the current status of Model I and she noticed a disk reader beside the keyboard. She grabbed the letter and opened it. The disk inside fit the said reader.

"Disk reading. Status: Clean. Virus eliminated. Re-reading data. Special Report: Creation of Model I — Ionis." The file name caught both their attention and Cielle started to read them out loud. It was in this report that she caught the name of Michael and his colleagues. The name of the organization he worked for was R.E.H.S.O. and some of the listed members of the said project was Master Albert, Michael Frateo, Abigail Gesto, Denise Vongeo, Braein Yuelle and surprisingly, Master Thomas. She was astounded with the familiar names listed. She knew Master Albert, Master Thomas, Michael and Denise. Vongeo was the man who visited their home years ago before they were separated. As far as she could remember, he had black hair and stunning orange eyes. It was a strange combination but who was she to judge right?

Project Ionis was all about the creation of live metal using crystal grains recovered from the Elven Wars centuries ago. It was stated that the crystal was discovered in the chamber near the infamous X. It was dug up by Abigail Gesto and surrendered to the Legions (the time when Master Mikhail was not yet appointed as one of the Sage Trinity). It was Master Thomas who started the project in hope that it will open a new possibility for reploid to gain human body (or something almost similar to it). These crystals gave off waves that could become a source of energy for the cyber elves. Cielle further scrolled down and discovered that there were actually two biometals created. The first one was Model I while the second one was Model S.

"So you have a twin biometal. Model S, better known as Sieve."

"Yeah, I can somehow remember that but not the reason why we were created. I bet that was also what that Model A's brats were also trying to figure out. Are you ready to find more about this ridiculous game they are trying to pull off, Cielle?" Ionis challenged.

"Maybe. But I'll take this opportunity to find my brother and Michael. That will never change." She grinned. Although there was a strange feeling inside her, Cielle did not want to admit that she was actually scared. Suddenly being thrusted into a strange world of live metal was the least thing she ever wished for. It was not even in her bucket list.

"Let's investigate that disturbance you're talking about. Maybe I could get something out of this quest." Ionis smirked. Though his wielder was a scaredy cat, she was good not to show it. They rushed towards the teleportation system and transported themselves to Legions HQ.

Legions HQ was located a little far away from the Hunter's Camp but near the city as well. It was clean just as expected but the way inside was infested by Mavericks. She silently cursed but tried to keep her cool. She merged with her biometal and followed the map Ionis gave her. She readied her staff and inserted a couple of chips before treading towards the enemies carefully. One galleon saw her and it alerted the security behind it. They fired a couple of shots towards her before she slashed them up. She was about to enter another room when a moth hovered above her and stunned her with powder.

"You've got to be kidding me. This isn't some child game I heard about! How come it just did a stun spore!?" She groaned. She tried to shake it off and she was able to remove most of the powder on her before firing a strong blast towards the mechaniloid. More machines entered the room and pursued her. Luckily, she was able to escape them in time. It was in the next room that she was stunned. One megaman was in pursuit of another. The first one had the same transformation as the ones she saw back in the highway. The latter was clad in purple suit, he was more ninja-like to be honest.

"Let's just observe them for now, brat. Hey, are you listening?" Ionis snapped Cielle out of her daydreaming before cancelling her transformation. It was unnecessary considering that she was not the target. Her mind swirled with thousands of thoughts and it was a surprise that she was not spazzing by now. The battle in front of her was intense. Both were not in any position to give up. Ionis told her that the man in gray was a host of Model A.

'Right. And I just remembered that the parts of biometal could actually be divided. However....' She glanced back at the battle. Model A's host was having a hard time figuring out Siarnaq's shadow games. She too was surprised that this Siarnaq guy kept on evading his attacks. It was weird for somebody who was deeply involved in the Game of Destiny. Their weapons clashed against each other. Cielle was honored to finally see the infamous A-trans. Grey, from what she had gathered from the data Ionis read, used Chronoforce and slowed him down. He took this chance to finish the guy off. He was able to defeat him but not without asking why he entered the game.

"It is none of your business. My only mission is to eradicate the defective. However, I am detecting life just behind you. It is not mine to mind. Farewell." He disappeared and just as Cielle thought, there was actually no way to conceal her presence. Grey glanced behind him and noticed that there was really somebody watching them.

"Who are you? And why are you watching us?"

"Go take a chill pill, kid. I'm just here to investigate the disturbances around here and maybe, retrieve something." She voiced out. Grey was astounded to say the least. He did not expect a woman to show herself. Cielle bowed before leaving the poor megaman to his thoughts. She grabbed the disk left behind by Siarnaq. Her mind was full of questions but one lingered the most.

'Was that really him? It can't be... right?'


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