Disk 2: Guardians

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"How is she? Any updates on how she's doing?" A male voice asked. The person whom he was talking to shook his head and gave a pitiful look at the young lady laying in the infirmary. She had been unconscious for three days now and there was no telling when her eyes will open.

"There must have been something that forced her body to shut down like this." The nurse asked him where she found the young lady and he told her that she was lying in the pavement of Area D surrounded by bloody Mavericks. She gasped at the information before kneeling down to comfort the sleeping girl.

"Vent, you should go and get some rest. I'll take care of her for the time being." She said. Vent reluctantly left the room. He did not what the girl's reaction would be if she wakes up seeing Rose or anybody. Silently, he promised that after rest, he will come back and stay by her side.

'W-Where is this place? Arnache? Michael?' She felt cold and unwanted. It was so horrible and she did not want to feel it again. Running far from the shadows, she stumbled upon a light before waking up. At the sudden jerk, the nurse who was taking a nap woke up. Heavy takes of breaths was heard from beside her and the girl was already awake.

"Hey, there. I'm Rose, you've been admitted to our hospital after one of our comrades found you. How are you?" She asked carefully. The girl shook in fear before pulling out the IV lines attached to her arms and ran out of the room. Rose tried to call for her but she was already running amok. As fast as lightning, the young girl rushed to find an exit but noticed that she was in an airship. A transerver was her only hope.

"Hold it." She froze on her spot after hearing the authoritative voice. She turned around to see a man with long chocolate brown hair, blue vest and cream pants. His piercing green eyes made her gulp in fear. The unknown location even made her anxious and assuming that she was captured by their pursuers frightened her. Being left alone in that cave traumatized her.

"P-Please let me go. I'm not going to tell anyone. If not... then, then just please kill me like what you did to Michael and Anarche. I don't want to live alone!" She broke down in tears and Vent could not help but sympathize with her. He walked towards her and embraced the broken girl. Soothing words engulfed her as she felt herself fall into deep slumber.

"No one's going to hurt you now." She smiled through her sleep. Vent let out a relief sigh before carrying her back to the infirmary. Rose thanked him before putting back the IV in her arm. Her heart monitor and status are also stable now. The young lad noticed something in her neck. It was some sort of necklace with a chip. Slipping it from her head, he delivered it to Fleauve for him to examine. The technician has never seen any product like hers and informed Vent that its origin was a mystery.

"Is that so? We can ask her everything once she wakes up. For now, we should let her rest. Speaking of rest, we should all get some sleep. Tomorrow's another patrol day and I'm not going to look out for Mavericks when I got bags in my eyes." He joked. The old man laughed at his humor before returning the necklace to Vent. The young man gladly returned it back to the girl he saved.

"Arnache... Michael." A tear slid down her eyes and he wished that she will be released from the chains that bound her.

It took Cielle three days before she woke up and fully understand her situation. Vent introduced himself one time and the blonde haired girl apologized for her actions. He chuckled at her words before offering her a new home. Cielle could not believe his offer and gladly took it.

"I-I will work hard, Mr. Vent!" He sweat dropped at her words before claiming that there was no need for her to call him mister.

"For now, we need to ask you something. We don't want to pry but is there something special about that necklace of yours?" He asked. Cielle clutched her necklace and remembered Michael's words. He told her that it was something special that will always protect her from danger.

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