Disk 9: Pierre de Lune

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"AAHHH!" The pain was immense and I had a hard time breathing. I felt my insides turn to mush and electricity cackled around my body. A clicking sound resounded around as the light died down. A blood red stone was in my hands and it was emitting the dark haze I saw earlier. It was encased in gold metal and the cold feeling came back. The shock had already died down, but my body was in no right condition to move after sustaining too much damage.

A cooling feeling erupted near me and I felt it soothe my damaged body. I glanced around to see a blurred image of Ionis. He floated towards me in a rush and scolded me. I reached out a shaky hand to feel if it was really him. It was then that I felt myself double over as black dots danced around my vision. The last thing I heard was Ionis worried call. The stone never left my hand and there was the urge that told me to never let go of it.

"Cielle! Wake up, brat! Argh!"

Temple de la Foret
Ionis' POV

My mind had been in a haze ever since we reached Espoir. It was not the place I really wanted to be. I did not have reason for the ire until a memory unlocked when Cielle found the grave of a researcher named Alice Foster. From that, I knew that there was a secret that I was not ready to part with my biomatch. She was not to be involved with that obnoxious and dangerous biometal, but I may be wrong. Right now, she was facing the consequences of the words I could not utter.

Her body was scorched and I needed to link with her in order for me to heal her. I just hoped that whatever was in her hands will not interfere with the healing. The feeling of linking with my biomatch was different. It felt colder and the black haze also entered her system. I tried removing it, but my power was not enough to counter it. Whatever this may be, it was not letting her go. Sighing, I watched her body heal slowly. I was not expecting a quick regeneration. She was not a reploid that could just accept cyber elves to fully fix her insides.

"Now, what the hell is that stone anyway?" I opened my storage and found another locked data folder. It was starting to annoy me that something was blocking my access of important information. Growling lightly, I tried to hack on the insides. I was not as good as my biomatch, but I was no noob when it comes to it as well. Thankfully, it did not result to any file corruption when I was finally able to open it.

Pierre de Lune, commonly known as the moonstone, is an artifact discovered by a research group between the lands of Espoir and Aura. Like its current state, a black haze would surround the stone and whoever collects it, had their life energy sapped away from them as their bodies deteriorate. There had only been a few case where it had no effect on human. The research team was tasked to create a bioweapon out of it. The final product was called Biometal Model S - Sieve. Its location was no longer in Temple de la Foret and no data has been collected for about ten years.

Eight years later, it was discovered that a stone was capable of cancelling its effect. The stone was called pierre du soleil and the research and product was done in another country with the help of renown researcher, Michael Frateo. The final product was called Biometal Model I - Ionis.

"Sigh. This was the reason I did not want her to know about these things." I muttered as I glanced at my now healed biomatch. In about an hour, she would probably wake up in slight pain. It was better than being trapped in this godforsaken temple.

My levitation ability did not dwindle that much after healing Cielle. However, I noticed that the stone she had in her hand a while ago became a part of her necklace. It was disturbing considering how much black haze it was oozing out. The room she was in right now was a clinic of some sort. There were no traps or anything harmful inside. The bed was also more comfortable than the floor.

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