Disk 10: Scourge

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"Battle Chip, set! Zero EX-Skill: Tenretsujin!" Cielle's halberd lit up and flames erupted as it hit its target. Frey howled in anger as he felt the flames enter his system. She added another chip which aimed to freeze its enemy. It froze him to his feet and he could barely move. The black haze started to recede until Frey felt the need to escape.

"I will not be held any longer!" He shouted in anger. The building shook as he used more power to release himself from the ice. Cielle quickly grabbed another chip and slashed both his arms and supposedly feet. She was successful in removing his paws, but his feet were also one of his strong points. The debris above them started to crack a little louder. Ionis knew that if they don't finish up, they will be buried alive.

'Shit! Cielle, can you hear me!? You must finish this beast or our lives will be at stake. The ceiling is about to give up and I'm pretty sure, this temple will not last long. If you want to live, then you must defeat this monstrosity.' Ionis urgently said. Cielle gritted her teeth in worry and anger. She was still in no condition to do a strong attack, but she would have to or else, they were dead.

"I don't know if this is possible. Twin Battle Chips, set! Zero's EX-skills: Tenretsujin, Rakusaiga!" She rushed at him for one final attack.

"Do you think that those puny attack of yours are enough to destroy me? Fool! Your time's up!" He used his whole body as a drill to kill Cielle. Swords and claws clashed against each other as they tried to get a good hit on one another. She slid behind him and did another backslash. Frey swat her away, but she used her foot as leverage. Dashing back, he was ready to receive her blow. Cielle was not one to use the same attack twice so she disappeared from his sight and appeared above to strike his head. He fell down with a grunt. She used another chip to end it.

"Set! Zero EX-Skill: Heaven's Judgment!" She slashed his head off and he stopped squirming under her. A bright light shone and Frey's body disappeared. All that was left was a disk with a symbol of a bleeding raven. Ionis quickly checked if it posed any harm to his biomatch. There was nothing except the same feeling he got from Model S' spirit.

'Cielle, let's get you out of here. I am pretty sure that Vent and Aile are already looking for you. I'll also try to heal your body as much as I can.' He promised. Cielle smiled before taking baby steps out of the temple. Her body shivered in cold and pain. The temple behind her collapsed. Luckily, they were not hit with any debris. The forest, they were in, was damp and the air wafted around them like mist.

It took them about an hour before they were out of the forest. Her wounds healed in time, but she felt drained to the bone. Ionis encouraged her to go forward and she was able to reach the ship in time. She was limping a little bit tried to steady herself but failed. Fleuve was the first one to notice her return and was shocked to see her state.

"Cielle! What happened to you!?" He asked urgently as he led her to Rose's clinic. She breathed slowly as the pain crept in. Her eyes blurred but she was determined not to pass out.

Rose's clinic was empty except for her. The nurse was deeply worried because of the state she was in for just being outside. Cielle told her that it was really unfortunate for them to encounter a pseudoroid after Grey and Ashe defeated Albert. She was sure that who ever made Model I and Model S also had their own intentions. However, for now, she would keep it all to herself until she knew what they will be dealing in the near future.

"Please always execute caution, Cielle. Life is fleeting and there will no way to tell whether there will be a tomorrow for you to live through. I know you are strong but you are not invincible even if you have a biometal by your side." She warned. The said bluenette nodded in understanding.

"Thank you for aiding me. I'll be returning to my office." She smiled. Rose led her out and Cielle immediately went back to her room, zooming towards the computer laboratory she had installed in a secret compartment beside her office. Most thought that it was just another storage room full of rags and empty crates, but she modified it to her own liking.

"Let's see. What the hell does this bleeding raven even mean?" She asked while turning the disk below to see if there were any other engravings on it. There were nothing left so she inserted it on her disk reader. The contents ranged from a footage inside a cave, a laboratory and a blurred building. There were also document files on Model S to which they were sure, were the same as the ones they had read back in the temple. Last was an eerie message that left them shivering.

"A sacrifice for the ultimate remake. Two of which you cannot separate no matter the denial. Accept or not, the world's fate is in your hands. Okay... That sounded way too cliché for me. Whoever wrote this had too much books read on them." She cringed. Ionis was completely silent which bothered her a lot considering that he was a spunky biometal.

"I don't even have a clue at what their intentions are. I don't even know who the hell is behind this. Not a single freaking clue. Great." Her sarcastic remark brought Ionis back to the present. He told her that maybe in the near future, they will be able to get a hold of clues. She sighed and complied with just sitting down for now.

Cielle was sitting on her bed when she thought of Michael and her brother. It had been years since she saw them. The guy back there in the Legion, she was not sure if it was really her brother. She could still remember the moment he left her there in Area B. If it was not for Vent and Aile, she would be living in Area C or maybe even die in Area B. Mavericks were still rampant around that time even though they already defeated Serpent. Her thoughts changed to those of Michael. He was bleeding when they found him. She thought that time that his brother could do something about him.

"And after that, Michael lived. He was such a strange guy at first. He was very careful and it was as if somebody would jump at him anytime. Maybe that was what he feared, but living with us for years lessened it. Then those bastards came and took everything. Big brother as well; not only did he have everything taken away from him, I think he also lost sight of his goal. Ionis, I guess it's time for us to really take action. This disk just proved that there is something ominous out there." She muttered.

'I know. Even if we lost everything, if we can set things right again... then maybe it will all be worth it, brat. Tell your supervisors that we will be travelling this world.' He said. She took a deep breath and shook the dread she was feeling. 

The commander's room was empty except for Aile, Vent and Fleuve. They were both discussing what transpired during their talk with the president. Aile noticed her wounds and fussed over it. Cielle assured her that they did not hurt much. A couple of bruises and open wounds would probably be what she would have to expect in the next days. Vent sighed at her recklessness before asking her true intention on coming to the room.

"Remember when you found me and I had this pendant with me? At that place where I actually got hurt, I discovered more about my biometal, Michael and their research. I... I want to travel and search for more clues about us. Please! Let me go and search for answers. It will be difficult on my own, but I feel like I have to do this. I was once told that I create my own destiny and no one can ever dictate it to me." She begged. Vent and Aile looked at each other. They wanted to argue but those last words she just said, struck a cord in their memory. 

"Cielle, it will not be an easy task to see the world on your own. People will trick you. There will be places where you can die. On your own, do you think you can handle it?" Vent asked. She nodded. He could see the determination in her eyes.

"What a stubborn commander we have. Fine, but from time to time, we will be sending you to another place for a mission. Are we clear?" Cielle agreed to Aile's conditions. Vent, Aile and Fleuve looked at each other before putting aside their talk. Their mechanics/scientist decided to upgrade Model I for her. She was thankful for his thoughtfulness. 

Cielle returned to her room and packed a few things. Ionis floated out of his container and watched his biomatch grab a few things with her. He asked where they will going first. She told him that they would probably check out their current area first. There was something bothering her especially that building.

"Let's go to Fleuve. He told me that he will upgrade some of your features. He will not be able to unlock most of your features but at least, your weaponry will have new features."

'Tch. I can't wait to see what that old man has in store for us.'


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