Disk 1: Unusual

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"Michael! Big brother is ordering me to go to the city again! I don't want to. There are a lot of bullies there!" A twelve year old girl shouted from below. The man woke up from his slumber after that screech. He rubbed his head in annoyance before going down.

"Now, now. You know that Arnache is busy with his work and you just finished doing the laundry." He reasoned out.

"And you just slept for the day. Give me some slack, Mic." He playfully glared at the girl while she stuck her tongue at him. He sighed before putting away his coat.

"Come on, I'll go with you to Area C." Her eyes glimmered at that before quickly brushing her hair and putting up to a high ponytail. She put on her customized ear piece done by her guardian before pacing some money.

"Are you done yet?" Michael asked. She shouted back a yes and they ventured towards their destination.

It was just a normal city where reploids and humans coexist. It was actually a dream come true if it was not for the bullies around it. Cielle was always made fun of because of her 'episodes'. It was mostly her blanking out for a certain period of time or hearing things. It scared some of the children. Truth to be told, she, too, was frightened.

'I wish I can meet you.' Today was no exception. Cielle froze on her spot after hearing the voice. It made her legs feel weak. Michael noticed something different about her and quickly held her shoulders.

"Cielle? Cielle. Look at me. What's wrong?" Her eyes blanked and switched to a red color. She was mouthing something but it seemed like blabber to him. That was until she passed out. Michael knew that it had something to do with the anomaly in this world. Something unusual was about to start and he had to protect them. Carefully, he lifted the girl and left in a hurry.

"I hope Anarche will not kill me for this." He pleaded. Unknown to him, there was somebody watching Cielle's episode. A sinister smile made its way towards the shadow's face.

"I found you."

Michael returned to their home and Anarche saw his quick figure. The young lad knew that something was wrong after seeing his sister passed out in his arms. Entering the house, he questioned the old man for Cielle's status. She was whimpering in her sleep while clutching her chest. Anarche and Michael looked at each other before slipping her dress, only at the spot where she was clenching it. A red mark bursted from her skin and she screamed at the pain.

"M-Michael? What is this? What's in Cielle's chest!? I haven't seen this." Even the old man was astounded. The mark was familiar but something that he forgot years ago. The only thing he knew was this mark burns whenever its counterpart is near. He rushed outside and glanced around to find he source. There it was, in front of their house, smirking.

"Your cyber elf is the reason she's suffering isn't she? Are you from Azure?" The figure smirked further, confirming his mission. Michael glared at him but soon realized his mistake.

"Shit! Arnache! Take your sister away from this place. We have some company around here." He shouted frantically while taking out his gun. He was an idiot for ever revealing his knowledge on that guy. He knew that he failed to protect them but this will be his last mission.

"Lend me your power once more." A blue cyber elf emerged from his earpiece and entered his gun which materialized into something new.

Arnache held his sister in his arms before rushing out of their home. He caught a glimpse of Michael and an unknown figure. They were fighting intensely and he now questioned who they really harbored in their home. Cielle squirmed in his arms before her eyes shot up. She held his brother's vest and asked why they were running.

"Michael told us to run away from this place."

"You left him? You can't be serious, Arnache! Why!? He's family!" Arnache glared at the declaration. It was true that he was family but he was also the reason why they were in danger right now. Instead of retorting back, he kept himself silent.

"Arnache? We have to go back! Michael is in danger. He... Please!" He shook his head and kept on running. Just when he thought they were safe after following Michael's order, a group of unidentified teens surrounded them. Each held a smirk that could rival that of a devil's. Arnache clicked his tongue in annoyance before taking out his saber.

"Stand back, Cielle." He dropped down his sister gently before facing them. Arnache wasted no time and rushed towards the enemy with an intent to kill. It was either be killed or kill.

Unfortunately, the goddess of victory was not on his side. Three gun shots hit his side and he toppled over in pain. Cielle caught his figure and quickly used her earpiece to materialize some first aid kit. Arnache refused her help and ordered her to run but she defied him and grabbed his saber.

"You always protect me and this time, I will do the same." Her hands trembled in fear as the enemies inched closer. Just when they were about to attack, multiple gun shots echoed in the air. Four of their enemies fell to the ground. Cielle turned towards the source of the sound only to find a bloody Michael. His torso was bleeding profusely and his left arm was taken out. She gasped at the sight.

"M-Michael! What happened!?"

"We have no time. You two have to go. I'm sorry for putting you two in a situation like this. It's all my fault. However, I have a final gift. Take this and be careful with it. Time waits for now, find your destiny, Cielle." Shouts we're heard from where Michael was from. Cielle clutched the necklace in her hands tightly. It was the same one she returned years ago. Weakly, she carried her brother towards the forest and an unknown area. Most likely, they were in Area B. Mavericks were still there but she just knew where to go.

"I can probably heal you here." She took out the aids once again. Tears blurred her eyesight but she forced herself to endure everything. She had to be strong for her brother. After tying up the last knot, she covered her brother up and rested for a bit. The sudden events finally weighed down on her and she could feel her body tremble in fear. It was not the first time this happened to them but she desperately wishes everything will be back to normal. It was a wish no one could grant.

"Michael. Please live."

'You know his destiny.' The voice said. She froze and refused to believe everything it said. It hurt to think of her family gone and hurt. The cave they hid themselves started to feel cold and she quickly materialized more blankets.

After such, Cielle fell into a deep slumber. A dark dream awaits her as she ran through the forest. Flashes of green, blue, red and purple filled her sight before stumbling upon a root. Above her a was a sphere of light. It hovered above her before it broke into pieces like a mirror.

"No!" She woke up from her sleep only to find her brother gone. Her eyes widened at what was left. There was nothing but his red scarf. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she desperately search for her brother but there was no trace of him. It was as if he disappeared like bubbles.

"Why? Why me!?" Her body collapsed from exhaustion. She could not feel a thing until Mavericks surrounded her. She was reckless and she knew it was her time to pay for it.

'Kill me.' She mouthed before losing consciousness. The only thing she saw before it was a flash of red and blue.

"Don't lose hope yet."


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