Disk 12: Sileon

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"Good afternoon, Commander Cielle. The Guardians summon you back to the ship. Commander Aile and Vent need to discuss important matters with you. Please come as soon as you receive this message. That was what the message says. We don't have any choice I guess. Plus, we have not gone that far with our research. We were only able to decipher half of that red disk. Maybe Aile or Vent have any idea about that corporation." Cielle muttered. Ionis understood his biomatch's decision and soon, they departed for Area X, the Guardian's Base.

Upon reaching the base, she was surprised by Fleuve who ran towards her in a hurry. He told her that Aile and Vent were able to discover a data chip, but it was locked that not even Fleuve could open it. She understood the situation and quickly went to the Commander's Room. Aile and Vent were there watching another computer technician decipher the chip.

"How long have you been deciphering that chip?" They turned around to see her closing in. Vent informed her that they had been hacking the chip for a good 18 hours. She raised her eyebrow at the incredulity. Politely, she asked the technician if she could see it. Just as she expected, it has the same code as the first one she found in the cave. Opening the system, she altered a couple bit of commands here and there before finally opening the file folder. It contained the continuation of the data she collected earlier. She was not yet sure if she was ready to share it with the Guardians.

Aile and Vent read the data flashed in front of them. It was about the commanders of Aevum, a mercenary group that threatened to conquer the country. It left them on high alert. Cielle heaved out a sigh before turning around to ask of their next actions. She knew that the person who hired them has not had their contract terminated.

"We will have to look out for these people. The only disturbance we have found are the increase in the number of Mavericks. How was your travels going on?" Fleuve asked as he entered the room. She told him that there had really been an increase in the population of Mavericks and a couple of anomalies had started to sprout at the eastern and western part of the country. They took note of her words before they talked amongst each other. Cielle wasted no time and quickly copied all the information in her drive. She made sure that there were no trace before ejecting it. Aile and Vent turned to her and asked where she would go now after the abrupt calling.

"I would probably head north. I am still searching for them and after coming from one town, I learned that some devices malfunction due to a strange wave of magnetism that appears in a strange basis. I'll send reports as much as I could but there might be times where I will not be able to contact you and vice versa. Well then, I'll leave you now." She stood up and got ready to teleport when Aile called out to her. The brunette asked if she could have a little bit of her time to talk in her office. It was the room next to the Commander's Room. It was the previous commander's room.

Cielle sat on the pink sofa situated in front of Aile's table. She put her hands on the table to show how serious her words would be. It put the young blond to unease. Aile talked about the previous commander and about her job. She did not know where she was going with this. It was when Aile slammed her hands on the table and looked at her in the eyes.

"Cielle, I want you to lead this base once we retire. You are the only person I could think of." It caused her to scoot back and stand abruptly. Stuttering, Cielle shook her head. There was no way she could take such huge responsibility. It was true that she became a commander at a young age, it was not the same status as Aile and Vent. More like a commander for battle strategies, yes, it was more like that. She voiced out her opinion, but Aile contradicted her words. The current commander knew that the blonde had so much talent in her.

"I can't, Aile. I have not even found my brother and Michael. They are my world and I don't want to take responsibility over something that I knew I don't ace. Y-You have to find somebody else. I'm sorry. Although I have not paid you back for taking care of me, I don't think I'm suitable for this." Cielle muttered. Aile stared at her flabbergasted. Instead of pressing further, she left her to her own world. However, before leaving, the current commander turned around and asked if she could think about it.

Ionis came out of Cielle's pocket before asking what she would do. She told him that there was no way she could ever accept such position, not now when her heart is half-assed about everything. He nodded in understanding before they walked to the transporter. She was returned to the forest passed the town she just visited. After checking her rations, she traveled to her next destination.

Three Days Later
Nix Montem

"Can you tell me again why the hell we're here on top of a snow mountain with just a semi-thin jacket and two freaking rope!?" Cielle screeched as she kept herself steady while crossing the side of the snow mountain. Her knees threatened to buckle up, but she did not want to fall for her death. She gulped a huge breath before forcing her self to calm down.

"I told you, there is an anomaly within this area. There is an accumulation of energy on the side of this mountain, about 50 meters from your current position." Ionis reminded. Cielle's eyes widened at the distance. After crossing the dangerous edge, she fumed about the distance. This energy better be worth of her time.

The path she was now taking was slippery and one wrong step could lead to her death, literally, since there was a cliff just beside her. There were few Mavericks littering around and she was a bit glad for that. Soon, she reached a cave which was protected by a door. It only meant that there was human activity inside. She entered it and found that it was some sort of factory. Thinking about the things she found outside, she thought that this snow mountain might have not been this dangerous and snowy. It might that energy that caused the weather disturbance.

The factory was old as can be and musty smell emitted from the area. It was probably from the boxes around. Moving forward, she encountered gyrocannons, ice-type presto cannons, galleons, crush pactor and orehawk. She felt drained reaching the final room. In front was a huge screen that seemed to be broken beyond repair. Sighing, she glanced around to see if there were any other useful things she could get. There were a couple of papers that seemed to be connected to Aevum. However, there was a familiar symbol on it. It was from a famous company in the country. Suddenly, she felt a chill run down her spine. She turned her back to see a man who looked to be no older than 18. He was clad in black while his light green hair, which seemed to be glowing, was messy as hell. His eyes were what astounded Cielle. They were red and seemed to be swirling with different emotions.

"What is a human like you doing in this area?" His thick voice pierced through her body and she felt her knees buckle up at the richness. Before she could be seduced by simply his voice, Cielle forced her voice out.

"M-My business is none of your concern. A-Are you also here to see the anomaly?" The man raised his eyebrow at her words. She could not help but curse her self for stuttering.

"I was the one who caused that anomaly." That simple statement woke her up. She stared at him in incredulity. Her curiosity got the best of her as she asked who he was and what his affiliations were. With no hesitation, the man introduced his self as Glace of Aevum.

"Y-You're one of the resistance?" He stared at her purple eyes which seemed to put her in her place.

"Why did you choose to cause anomaly in this place? Are you searching for something that you did not want anyone to interrupt you?" Glace smirked at her words. She caught on so quickly with his plan. Confirming it, she clenched her fist and looked at him seriously. She promised that she will not let anybody suffer anymore. If this people were planning on resetting the world like what was stated in the chip, then she will protect it.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot let you continue whatever you are doing. I will also be taking the artifact you are after." Glace shook his head. He thought that the human in front of him was smart enough not to engage him in battle, but he was wrong. Her idiocy will lead her to her demise.

"The Aevum of Sileon will not let anybody stand in their way. Here I thought you were smart enough not to battle me. What a disappointment. Engage: Dark Manipulator." His body was suddenly engulfed in dark presence. Cielle's body trembled. Her hands got clammy from the sight. Glace was now covered in darkness and only recognizable feature on him was his eyes. His hair stood up, defying gravity, while his body was covered in black. Horns also protruded from his head and a black sword was ready in his hands.

"Model I, megamerge. Light Skill. Zero Technique: Tenshouha."


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