Disk 3: Biometal Model I

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"Commander Cielle, report to back to the laboratory immediately." I turned away from my paperworks after hearing Aile call my name. I still could not get used to being a commander.

"And she threw her work at me. I wish Vent would come home soon. I hate doing all her work." I mumbled. There was no use in complaining though. Aile rarely does her work and ever since she discovered my 'talent' regarding it, she would not let me go.

I entered the laboratory and was greeted by Fleuve who was typing away some things I have no idea. Aile was nowhere to be seen so I guessed it was Fleuve who wanted to me. I tried calling his name numerous times but it was futile so I had to resort to some other tactic. It was a pain to do this but it will be his fault. The socket was just near me so I shouted.

"Hey, Fleuve! I'm kinda busy with the papers so you better tell me what you want or I will plug out all of your devices here." He stopped typing and regarded me with horror. I smirked and pulled away from the socket but not before scolding him. Although he apologized, I still felt bothered.

"I asked Aile to call you here because I remembered that necklace of yours from years ago. I know that it was invading you privacy back then but after examining it, we found a match in a secluded area near the dump site." He said. I creased my forehead in confusion until he opened
a file and showed me a distress signal. It was not far from the dump site but not near it as well. A few treks would probably work. He told me that they already sent somebody to investigate the area but it seemed like it had some kind of barrier that refused to let signal pass through.

"I believe that your necklace will let us discover more what is inside. Will you take this mission? You might also see something there that will help your personal mission." He played coyly. I rolled my eyes at his attempt to coax me but deep inside curiosity kills me. There was something about the area that I needed to see. Badly at that.

"Geez, alright. Let me get my stuff. Please tell Aile that she will have to finish her work or I will tell Vent to give me a vacation and let her do his as well." I smiled darkly. I could bullets of sweat on his face and I knew that deep inside he had an idea that I could easily turn my threats to reality.

There was nothing much that I needed to pack except for a tent, couple of nourishment, water and my gun. I changed to a much comfortable clothes which was a cream short and my old time gray coat that opens at end, showing my shorts. Quickly, I exited the room and went to the transport system that will teleport me to the dump site area. For sure, it will not be easy but I have no plans on failing this one.

Transport System

The place stunk and I could not help but wish that the area was near this place. It was pretty much abandoned and I could see mavericks lurking around. It was not surprising to say the least but to see a kid around my age, it was a little astounding.

'I wonder what she's doing here and what's with the weird get-up? Well, I have better things to do than to idle around. Be safe, stranger! Or whatever you may be!' I turned around and exited the yard. I was met by a barren land and the wind picked up causing the dirt to shift and it hit my eye. It really hurt and I was forced to wash it down using my water.

"For heaven's sake, I thought I would be blind after this. Now, let's see where the hell that building is." I rubbed my eyes one more time before opening a folder in my watch. I was about 30 kilometers away from the area. Not bad.

It took about two or three hours before I could reach the place. Fleuve was right, there was a barrier hanging around this place. While calling out for that/those somebody they sent, I took out a cyber elf residing inside my watch and asked him to light up the way in case the building was dark. True to my assumptions, it was another abandoned establishment. It was a laboratory of some sort. Again, not surprising.

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