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"Ouch!!", I groan as I fell by my own feet. I accidentally fell off my feet as I was jumping trying to throw the rings. All of the girls are laughing at me. How can I make mistakes everyday?! It kept happened to me since I joined the Gravity Girls.

Right..… I've joined the Gravity Girls since my uncle and my aunt sent me to the circus. So, I kinda live on the circus, and practised those stupid act.

'Girls' refers to us, only a group for teenage girls, and 'Gravity' means I don't know what. My coach made it up and I seriously didn't know what it is. But the Gravity Girls does a lot of weird and hard activity like walk trough the rope, jump through a fire-rings, juggling knives and many more.

But, all I do is doing to many mistake. My coach always scolded me. The girls always mocking me. Always been a bad day too me. Shit..

"Hey Summer, have not doing any exercises, right?", say Sophia, one of my group. Her two other friends, Tasha and Crystal, keep taunting me as I rolled my eyes to them.

"Mind your own business, Sophia..", I scolded.

Sophia giggled. Probably she shocked that I'm to brave to fight her. She walk closer to me while I try to avoid her.

"You don't deserved to be one the Gravity, Summer..", taunted Sophia.

"What are you girls doing here?!!"

I turned my head toward the guy that screams. I lean my back using my hands, then quickly stand up. As I saw my coach, I confidently stand, folding my hands behind my back. Sophia, Darla and Crystal looks so scared, making myself to smirked.

"N-Nothing, sir..", Sophia stammers.

"Then go back to practise!", is all my coach said. Sophia and her friends run away leaving me stood there like a stupid statue.

My coach, Mr. Dante, or Sir, walked towards me with a glare. I squinted my eyes, thought that he might scolded me again.

"Hailey.. I need you to keep practising because our circus performances started in two weeks. To be honest, I gave you an easiest task, only to swung the rings, and you throw it to the fire-pole over there..", he says pointing the pole.

"Is it hard to you?", he mad at me. I open my mouth, like a cat got my tounge, I speak:

"N-No, sir.."

"If it is not, go and do your task. Do not think that you might fail, think that you will succeed.", is he say, than leaved me.

I take a deep breath. Great, he was quite calm, I think. I do not think that Mr. Dante was mad at me, but mad at Sophia.

Every week, Sophia kept taunting and mocking me. It is making me so unfocused on doing my easiest task. All of the words that comes out from her mouth, and the way she always making fun of me, I always wish that I will punch her stupid ass face using my bare hands.

But I know I won't do it. The voice in my head told me not to do it though. I am not saying I am crazy, I just… talking to myself. Like, having an imaginary friend.

So, Mr. Dante was quite my saviour. He was like my dad. Just kidding, I don't even know who is my dad. I wonder how does he look and how does his personality.

I took my ring and dance like a fucking ballerina. Shit, this is so damn stupid idea. Swinging around the ring and throw it through the fire-pole?

Who is stupid idea was this?!

Mr. Dante? Nooo… I don't think so.

All I know is Mr. Dante is these circus's famous coach. The way he looks, his clothes and his incredible hair, he looks like a rich guy. There is no way he want me to do those swinging rings.

And it is time for me to throw the rings. I jumped, then I throw it. Looks like the rings didn't get into the pole except for my first try.

I sigh. I looked around then saw the other teenage girls doing their task. It looks so beautiful and perfect. Even Sophia did it well too.

Probably Sophia was right. I never deserved to be one of the Gravity.

Do not think that you might fail, think that you will succeed.

Wow.. Those pretty words really did changed my awful thoughts.

I should do a lot of warm-ups and practise. I should believe in myself even though this crazy practises always bothering me.

You Were Born Bad ||Jerome Valeska||Where stories live. Discover now