Jerome Valeska

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"Lyla Valeska? I need to say that lady is a snake dancer, right?", Samantha asked me with her eyes wide. She was my friend, and also one of the Gravity. Her hair is blonde and curl underneath and she looks way prettier than me. She looks like a doll.

"Yup. I saw she yelled at her son yesterday. But when she saw me peeked them, she chased me angrily.", I say. Samantha, or her nickname, Sam, is interesting to my story. She listen to me carefully about Lyla yelling at Jerome.

"What's her son's name?", Sam ask.

I let my mouth open wide to answer, but suddenly my coach is disturbing us.

"Aren't you girls supposed to practise?", he asked grimly.


I hate practising.

"See you later, Summer.", is all Sam said and she leaves me.

I turn my head to Mr. Dante and nod. "I am sorry, sir."

Mr. Dante nod and leave me. I take my rings and warm up. I dance perfectly as I saw my coach are watching me. I can see a smile on his face but I need to focused on my dance.

I swing the two rings on my both hands and throw it both to the pole that is going to be on fire only when the performance. And Yes! I did it! I did it well! So well! I can see Sophia is looking at me with a glare. Perhaps she jealous. Hehehe..

I jumped happily because this is my first time I never did any mistakes on my practise.

"Well done, Hailey Summer. Keep on going!", Mr. Dante shouted. I raise my hand and shows him a thumbs up.

Can't believe I did it only for a few minutes. I keep practised, and practised, and practised, and practised...


Shit. I need to take a break.. I am too tired to do the same thing all over again. I believe after impressing Mr. Dante I can rest for a bit. I walk to Mr. Dante confidently as he looks at me frowning.

I was about to say something but he cut my word:

"Wanna take a break, right?", he say grinning.

I stiff. I seriously..seriously can't believe what he responded to me. He was like he knows what is written in my mind. I didn't move a muscle and still can't think a word to say.

"Summer? Is there a problem?"

I blinked. "No.. No.., I giggled.

"So.. can I.. umm.. can I.. take a break, please?", I play with my hair by rolling it playfully. I kinda say I am acting cute.

"Yes, you can. But you promised you should come back here to practise your easiest task I gave you.", is all he say to me. Is that.. a joke he gave me? Shit. That was rude. But I nod and walk away. I was about to go to my van but I guess I need to stroll around for this morning.

I grabbed my bag and gathers my things from my locker. I hold my bag behind my back and walk out from the circus.

I walk at the same way I used yesterday. I like looking around the circus because I can imagine what will I do if I was not from the circus. I can hear the voices in my head told me to run away and start a new life without family but I refused to do it. I do it before but I know I can't.

My mother suffered from a cancer and she died. My dad leaved me. I do not know why he do that. He could just taking care of me. But he just throw me away to my aunt's open arms and let me lived in the circus. That idea was nothing but a piece of shit. I always wanted to feel how to have a parent that loves me. My aunt and my uncle are my relatives, but they are not my parents. The did not know about my feelings only when I was sad. They just trying to keep me calm, but they know they can't. They just..... can't.. Feelings can't be forced. Feelings can't changed even for a second.

I just want to find my father. Where is he? Is he even alive now?

While I am thinking about these.. miserable life on my head, I can hear a scream from the same place I saw Lyla yesterday. Shit!

The scream sounds like Lyla! Is she in trouble? I need to help her.

She still screaming. Help her. Go!! She need help. She is in trouble. Come on! Do it! Do it and imagine Lyla is your mother that's in trouble!

"What?!!", I suddenly shouted. The voices in my head can't be joking right now. Lyla? Pretend her to be my mother?

But, doesn't matter. I need to help her!

I jump through the gate that leads the way to the horse I saw yesterday night. I knock the door grimly.

"OPEN THE DOOR!!", I shouted. I sound like a cop. I am not aping, but I am trying to save someone.

I am no longer hearing some screams, but I heard noises. My hands is shaking anxiously. I walk backward and kicked the trailer's door grimly and it is broken. I grasped by fists and get in the trailer confidently. But after I see that I wasn't supposed to see, I screams loudly. I hopped and squeaked. I walk backward until I suddenly fall my own feet. I cried in tears and hugged my legs.

The body.

Her eyes.

The blood.


Lyla is dead!

Someone killed her!

Who did this?!

I take a breath nervously until someone grab my shoulder firmly and closed my mouth using a towel, I guess? I tried to scream but this man has tighten his hand to my mouth. I tried to take a peek on his face. Those red hair. Fuck!!!!! It was Jerome!!

"Shhhh... Do not fear baby girl. I gave her what she deserve..", he leaves me with a devilish laughs. I can't help or do anything. I can feel my body begin to be weak. My eyes close slowly. I saw nothing but I can see Jerome stand, staring at me with a hellish smile. What.. What did he do to me??


You Were Born Bad ||Jerome Valeska||Where stories live. Discover now