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A/n: So the day when Jerome killed his father, I know the gala was supposed to be at the same day as he killed Mr. Cicero but I changed it. Here there will be different so I hope you guys can forgive me. *wink*

Summer's POV

I lay my body on my bed and read a book while the tv is still running. The book that I just bought through my journey from the clinic was so cheap even the story was great.

But I prefer horror novels than a romance novels. But I bought it so it is too late right now.

When Jerome said that I can go anywhere, I think about go to the circus and met my aunt.

But I am afraid that she will be worried about me and Jerome. She will thought that Jerome was trying to kill me or what other criminals will do. But Jerome didn't even try to kill me but he prefers to hurted me. Still, I felt something when he prove it that he loves the way I am, and that is love.

I don't even want to love him because he is not a normal person.

From my mother's letter, she told me to have a great job, husband or kids that I always wish for. But when I think about Jerome, I don't think I can see my future that way.

I can see it differently when I am with him.

I am not sure if I accepted him as my boyfriend even though it will never happened.

But I know my heart says that I love him.

Lord, help me.

I closed the book and put it right next to my head. I look up at the ceiling and think about him. About Jerome.

Do I really love him?

But as a friend. But it's impossible.

I think, and think, and think while slowly close my eyes. Without I realised, I felt sleepy and falls asleep.


Jerome's POV

Cicero. That bitch.

I killed him with the one and only Theo's sister, Tabitha, and I know that the GCPD is coming for me.

My plan is working and I should not worried about the police right now. What I should worried about is Summer.

I'm afraid that she'd run away from the house. Or running away from me.

I drove the car as fast as I can so I can reach the house earlier. I need to see her. Even I told Cicero about her. And thanks God, he died.

Also I shouldn't stab the owner's house from a very far away. Geez, the city until the house? It's wasting 20 minutes of my day. Poor Summer.


I whispers. I just remembered that her name was Hailey. Hailey Summer.

Why did she called herself as Summer? It's her fucking last name! Why did she hated it so much?

If I reach the house later, I'll asks her..

I..I just wants to know.


Finally. I reached the house. Without locking the car, I closed the car door and with my black outfits, I wants to make sure that I look good by touching or tidying my clothes.

I sigh in a relief way and get inside the house.

The house is tidy, her luggage and her bag probably she put it upstairs and there is some food on the table that she probably just ate.

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