Snake Dancer

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I quickly gathers my things in my locker into my bag. It is 11:35 p.m. The practise always over before midnight. Then, I had to get up early for tomorrow again. Shit. Wish I never lived in a circus. Always do this and do that. To many rules.

If I lived in the city, I probably go to the college or university, be an intern or something.

Wish I was adopted by a rich family. Or a family that never fight or stabbing each other's back.

I hated this circus just like I hated luck. Hoping myself to stop whining like a baby.

I locked my locker and grab my bag. I walk out of the circus. I was on the way to my home. Not home, actually, it was a small van in the circus that only has my stuff and it feels like home.

I stroll around the circus. The wind was quite cold, but I just need to warm my hands. By the way, I wore tight top green, glittery long sleeve shirt along with a green glittery skirt too.

It was so short but we still wear it. As I stroll, I suddenly saw a big poster that stands right next to me.

It caught my eyes. The poster shows a snake dancer lady named Lyla Valeska. I don't even know this lady, even her weird activity with snakes.

It is because I do not like watching anyone's performances.

Watch the beautiful performance of the Snake Dancer

I read the poster top to bottom and find out this lady was amazing. It was so attractive and fun. She has talents that anyone couldn't have.

I walk away again as I finished read it. Suddenly, I saw a tall man, probably almost the same age as me, is under a horse. I do not know what is he doing, but he makes me giggled.

After he gets out under the horse, he looks tired. His hair reveals red, her coat looks dirty. He hold a small white towel, which is look so dirty also. What is he doing with the horse actually??

Since it is smelly, I finally figure it out. He is cleaning the horse's turd.

I shook my head, laughing, and walk away. Can't believe a man like him was threatening like a slave. What is he doing in this circus if he just cleaning the horse's turd?

Before I leave, I heard a woman's voice screaming at the man in anger. I hid behind the nearest tree and take a peek. The woman. I mean, the lady. She seems familiar.

Of course! She was the snake dancer I just saw on the poster a few minutes ago. But, she was cruel. She yells at the ginger man. Is that her..


"I told you to clean it about an hour ago, and you still haven't done it yet?!", she scolded him.

"Use the hose, Jerome! I told you to use it not this towel!", she shouted while grabbing the towel then throw it away. The gingerhead man just sat there doing nothing while his head is looking down.


Lyla Valeska.


Jerome Valeska?? Is that his name?

I was about to go away, until I suddenly step a twig. How the fuck did I step on a twig?!! Lyla and Jerome hears it too. They both turn their heads and look at me standing behind the tree. I stood there in fear as I walk backward. Lyla glares me.

"What are you doing here?!", Lyla screams.

Oh.. My.. God.

I was caught.

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