"He's at Arkham"

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I seriously need to change my book cover 😖. -Carrothead

I believed that the policemen and the woman went to the performances during my/our practices. I can't stop thinking about it because I know the cop will investigate us perhaps sooner or later. I am the witnesses and I promises to myself to not tell anybody about any of this. Before I die because of Jerome.

That bastard, he makes me scared every time I thought about Lila, her mother.

Our performances start tomorrow so the others started early. I heard a fight during the show so, urghh.

It's destroying the circuses reputation. I hope it won't happen again.

"Girls! Gather around, please!!!" Mr. Dante shouted with his open arm. The girls circled in front of him except for me. I was so short that's making me stand behind them.

"Today is the last day we practice our show. Tomorrow is your performances and we need to let them give us a big applause for you hard-working. To be honest, I always care about this group just like my family. So tomorrow, let us give the citizens a big SMILE!!!"

I can hear the girls gave my coach a big clap but I crossed my hand under my chest. Every time I hear someone said SMILE, it's freaking me out. Samantha pretends to not look at me but I can feel sadness inside of me. I lost my best friend. But I won't let that happened.

"Samantha!!" I shouted. She turned her head toward me but all she does is frowning. "Samantha.." I lower my voice as Samantha folded her arms.

"Is there something?" she said. I stood in front of her, losing my words. She raises her right eyebrow and still crossing her arms.

"I got to go. I have a task that I need to do." is all she said.

"Sam, wait!" I shouted. "Sorry, okay? I didn't mean to act like a jerk in front of you-"

Before I finished my words, Sam cut mine, "I forgive you."

I blinked. "For real?" I can hear Sam took a deep breath/sigh before she talks. I stood in front of her as my coach, Mr. Dante, didn't look at us both at all.

"Yes, for real. I would like to say sorry either but I think it might be awkward."

I look into her hazel eyes and it is getting teary and glassy. I walk towards her with my open arms and she does it too. Her tears fall right at my sleeve and I run my hand to her back, "I miss my best friend soooooooo muchhhhhh!!!!!"

"Me too!", she said.

I let go of her and gave a small smile. She gave me too. Until a sudden, a weird shouting ruining the moment.


The man in a black suit suddenly came looking so fierce. Wait, he looks familiar. SHIT! It's the cop that went to Jerome's van the other day!! DAAMMIT, what should I do?

"Yes, sir, may I help you?" is all my coach ask.

"I came here to ask for an investigation. I perhaps need to say I'm sorry but this is may be dangerous and.... weird.", is all the cop said. I hide behind Samantha but still acting not so suspicious.

He continues, "James Gordon. I am here for trying to warn every people in here, Haly's Circus. A murder happened here, and killed by her own son."

"Is it Jerome Valeska?" Sophia asks rudely by raising her hand. I saw the cop, James Gordon nodded and gently put his hands on the pocket of his pants.

"Jerome Valeska, her mother was a snake dancer. Lila was her name. Like I said, any crimes can be happening here especially in Gotham. Jerome was one of them-"

"Where's Jerome?" I say, cutting his words. He takes a deep sigh before he answers me.

"He's at Arkham. Don't worry, he won't be able to get out of there. We're taking care of it."

I weakly nodded because all my bad thoughts about Jerome will do to me is gone. All gone. I'm fine. I am absolutely fine.


Hi folks!

I am here and yeah, sorry for waiting too long because nothing else.. Of course, homework for this year is killing me.

I just here wanted to say that thank you for the supports and votes and read(s).

I will change the book cover later. I hate the old one 😅

Ciao Valeskas!


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