Chapter 8

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"Did you bring my glasses, at least?"

"No, they won't let me bring anything for you," Matthew said solemnly behind the other side of the phone booth, chewing his lip slightly. "Not even your glasses. Maybe they're worried you might use the glass shards as a means of escape."

Alfred laughed, leaning against the phone slightly. "That's dumb," He scoffed. But then he gulped as silence fell between the two. "Mattie, why didn't you visit me when the three day prisoner holding period was up? It's been two weeks. You had all the chance to visit me."

The canadian gave a sad smile. "I really am sorry, Alfie," He said, "I felt guilty. I ended up going to a club the night I got home from U.N. headquarters and met this really cute albino." Matthew seemed to deadpan slightly, suddenly regretting getting on the topic. "I don't know...he seemed to warm up to me quite fast, but then got secretive when I asked him about his occupation and workplace. He reminds me of you, actually," He laughed softly, but quickly stopped when he saw Alfred's incredulous expression.

Matthew gulped down a lump of guilt. "I'm sorry, little brother. Really, I am."

Alfred stared for a minute, but sighed and shrugged. "All that matters is that you're here now, I guess." He hummed less than sincerely, tapping the booth desk. "That you didn't forget about me."

Matthew gave a soft, sweet laugh. "Who could forget about Alfred F. Jones?"

This time, the American shared the same small laughter and smile. "Heh, I dunno."

A brief of silence. "There's one thing keeping me going, though, Mattie." The canadian cocked his head slightly in question. "My guard and escort— I cant't say much, but let's just say...things are going on." The cheeky American gave a small wink paired with a smile. "Snuggling, kissing, hugging. I have no idea how it even happened but he's my last hope at the moment."

Matthew smiled slightly. "Then hold onto him, as best you can."

Alfred nodded. "I will."

Another brief silence.

"Lately, though, he's been acting funny."

Matthew peeled up to look at Alfred again. "In what way?"

"Well," Alfred started, chewing his lip in mild nervousness. "As of recent, he would have moments where he just stares as his keys, as if contemplating something. And when I ask him what was wrong, he'd look at my cell door, shake his head, and murmur 'Nothing'." The American made a strong british accent, making Matthew chuckle a little. Alfred shared a little bit of that laughter.

"I'm being serious! He's been so strange with that lately," Alfred shrugged, giggling dying down a bit. "But besides that, he's been....well, he's been my grip on sanity."

Matthew smiled softly, leaning back to glance at the small timer on the booth. It slowly counted down from 5:00, indicating five minutes left.

"We're starting to run out of time," Matt said softly, "Is there anything else you need to get off your chest, Alfie?"

The American shrugged. "Unless you want to hear me going on and on about my infatuation with Officer Kirkland for the next five minutes, no, I think I'm good." He smiled. "Seriously, he's everything that-"

A small hand suddenly gripped the Americans shoulder and he jolted, looking up. He noticed other guards fast-walking behind his Swedish guard, and he grew concerned. "What? My times not up."

"It's been cut short," The swedish man said sternly. "We need all prisoners escorted to their cells immediately. Come with me."

Alfred glanced at Matthew and gave a sad shrug, waving his brother goodbye as he was damn-near almost dragged back to his cell by the Swedish officer.

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