Chapter 12

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It was almost surreal. Arthur couldn't believe it.

Just hours ago, Arthur was fired. He couldn't exactly blame his boss, he had freed a prisoner. That is a severe offense.

It was hilarious, too, almost ironic. General Bielschmidt almost seemed to hate the need to fire him, briefly mentioning that 'he knew prisoner 11201 isn't some serial killer or rapist', but regardless, Arthur Kirkland's reckless actions made him go from Officer Kirkland to just Arthur. Bland, normal Arthur. He would be relieved to be free from his horrible workplace; however, there was still one problem.

Alfred F. Jones wasn't free like he had planned.

In fact, almost immediately after his attempted escape, he was sent over to isolation. Arthur watched the whole thing; from The Generals dragging of the prisoner to Stielsson and Carriedo's assistance in locking him up, and then attesting to Kirkland's obvious "irresponsibility" in guarding 11201.

The General had looked pissed when he put two and two together.

"Carriedo, Stielsson, continue on to take 11201 to isolation. I need to attend to Kirkland."

The brunette and the light blonde man nodded in unison. "Yes sir!"

And so there Arthur was, in front of a rather irritated looking german.

Arthur didn't know what to do. He was frozen, a lump of fear building in his throat. He gulped and nervously shifted on his feet.

"Sir, is there some-"

"Obviously, Officer Arthur Kirkland." Bielschmidt had said rather sternly, icy blue eyes narrowing and a sharp huff exhaling out his nose. "I couldn't help but notice you remained here after the prisoner escaped."

Arthur kept his eyes wide, fearful. "Um, y-yes...?"

"You did not even attempt at catching him. Was your post not here? I could have sworn I assigned you here." The General said with a still-stern voice, implying the obvious.

"S-sir! I did not-"

"Do NOT," The General had nearly yelled, making Arthur jump. His loud, deep german voice echoed through the concrete hall. "Try and make up an excuse for the obvious fact that you let him go. Do not lie, Kirkland. Did you or did you not let him run free after he escaped, Kirkland?"

Arthur gulped again. He wasn't about to lie, right? He couldn't. Arthur was never a good liar, besides, Bielschmidt seemed to not believe him as it is. He settled for wincing as he hung his head in shame, blonde locks hiding his face. "I'm afraid to say, sir, but yes. I let him go free."

A painful silence with a sharp inhale of Bielschmidt, followed by a pissed off exhale. "You will come with me. Right now, hand over your badge and belt."

Almost expectantly, Kirkland nodded, fidgeting with his belt and bright, shiny gold badge and handing it over in shame. He had wanted to be rid of this job before, but instead, Arthur had just made problems worse. He could've been patient in waiting for Alfred's freedom, he could've obeyed the rules and not jumped the gun on his prisoner transfer, he could've done so many things other than this knee-jerk reaction that not only costed him his job, but the chances of ever seeing Alfred again.

"Sir, is there anything else that y-"

"Come with me." The General growled slightly, turning and walking with his arms behind his back.

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