Chapter 15

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June 25, 2007
2:35 pm

Arthur shuddered as the entire court went silent.

No one knew who it belonged to, except for Arthur and Alfred. And once the American saw the bag, he looked at Arthur with wide eyes. The Brit, however, couldn't look back. He was frozen in a shell; and time felt like it had stopped completely, that is, until he saw Officer Bondevik carry the bag over and handed it to Judge Roderich.

Arthur gulped, feeling tremors take over his body. What would they do with this evidence? What would they do to Arthur? Forget that, what would they do to Alfred?

Roderich inspected the bag, before looking amongst the crowd, and then drawing his eyes to Arthur. "We have an hour left until all are dismissed. Arthur, please stand and be seated back at the witness table."

Arthur hesitated, but did as told. He took a quick glance at Gilbert and his italian lawyer, and he had never seen them so smug before. Arthur would be pissed off if his heart wasn't beating so fast out of fear. He could hear each thud in his ears — ba bum. ba bum. ba bum.

"Arthur Kirkland," Sebastian suddenly spoke, and it was then that the Brit realized now he was holding the bag of evidence. "These finger prints on this little paper, here, are yours. It says so in the records." He hummed slightly, shaking the bag gently. A few cigarettes fell out of the box, visible to everyone. "And also according to records, while you were an officer, you were the only one out of all of them who smokes. All of Alfred F. Jones other guards have no history of smoking, nor have they ever smoked before."

Arthur gulped and eyed the Italian. "Y-yes, and?.."

"So," Sebastian stared at the bag for a minute before drawing back to Arthur. "That brings me back to the still unknown fact from before. How did Alfred escape his cell through the doors?" He smirked slightly. "Evidence suggests that you had something to do with the escape."

Arthur tensed. Don't admit. You can't yet. Hold off. "I....I was at my post."

"Actually," Sebastian gently shook the bag as he spoke, tsking to himself as he let his feet slowly move him about the front of the room. "According to an anonymously submitted witness report,  you weren't at your post, and said witness couldn't find you anywhere else." Sebastian let his eyes fall back on Arthur. "Nows not the time to lie, Kirkland. Did you or did you not have anything to do with Alfred's escape?"

"Sebastian," Judge Roderich cut through, "What does this have to do with the justification of sentencing Alfred to death?"

Sebastian looked at the judge. "A lot, actually, your honor. If Arthur did indeed free Alfred from his cell and let him take off running, it puts Arthur under the charge, as well." He shrugged. "But if Arthur had nothing to do with it, then Alfred will be the only one charged."

Roderich narrowed his eyes before leaning back slightly. "Sustained. You may continue."

Sebastian gave a smug smile, drawing his eyes back to Arthur. "Can you, then, explain why your cigarettes were left behind in Alfred's cell after the attempted escape?"

"I..." Arthur shifted his gaze. Come on, think of something quick! "They probably fell out of my pocket when I came to check on what happened, sir."

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