Diary of Jones #3

978 51 16

It had been almost a week since the court finalization.

Even despite the tiring and draining week afterwards, Arthur and Alfred took no hesitation in spending that time together. Arthur was about to offer a warm invitation to Alfred back at his flat, but the American beat him to it.

So there they were, cuddled up on the couch. Arthur, with his knitted blonde locks tussled up in bedhead, and his pajama t-shirt riding up and showing his pale stomach, was asleep coiled in Alfred's arms. The American was busy trying to find himself and the Brit on tv.

"Hey, Artie, wake up," Alfred whispered to the smaller one, nudging him until he flickered his green eyes open and groaned. "Mmmhm, what, you wank..?"

"Look, we're on tv."

Arthur rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and drew his gaze to the screen a few feet away, vision and mind still hazy as his eyes settled on the two of them walking out of the courthouse.

Newscasters had gathered around the house that day, and Arthur scoffed slightly.

"Why do we still care about this?" He murmured hoarsely, looking up at his boyfriend in question.

Alfred chortled slightly, gaze still kept on the screen. "Because it's fantastic how fast it blew up." He shrugged. "Thought you'd find it funny that we're on the big screen."

"Eh." Arthur shifted and settled back into Alfred's warm chest, sighing softly. "Couldn't care less, frankly."

Alfred laughed, rubbing his mid back soothingly.

"Alfie! Alfie!" Matthew called from the other room, almost tripping as he made his way to the living room that Alfred and Arthur relaxed in. "Little bro, your journal came in the mail just now."

Alfred perked slightly, patting Arthur's back so he'd move. The Brit complied and Alfred stood, pacing over and graciously took the book from Matthews hands.

He smiled almost nostalgically. "I almost forgot about this damn thing."

Arthur suddenly sat up, deciding he didn't want to sleep anymore. "What'd you even write in there, anyway?" He asked, thick eyebrow cocked. He wanted to know, despite a thin idea of the entrees from the court case.

Alfred laughed and rolled his eyes. "Silly stuff, there's only a couple entrees in it." His smile faded as he flipped to the last page he wrote in, and Matthew peered over his shoulder curiously. Alfred glared at his slightly older twin and pulled away.

"Don't look. This is some private stuff."

Matthew pouted and crossed his arms as his defiant younger brother continued to read. But that pout quickly dissipated into nothing when Alfred brought a hand to his mouth and furrowed his brow in serious concern.


"What? What is it?" Arthur stumbled from the couch and almost landed on his face as he stood and tried to peer over Alfred's shoulder, but again, the American pulled away.

He trailed his teary eyes over the text again and opened his mouth to speak, but at first, nothing came out. "Why don't I remember writing this...?" He said in a hushed voice. Arthur cocked his head.

"What does it say?"


Alfred hesitated, but then shoved the book over to Arthur roughly, earning a grunt from the smaller brit as he curiously trailed his gaze over the text.

Matthew took a peak as well, gulping.

Day whatever, time whatever. This is my last entry.

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