A Proposal and an Ending

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A full year had passed.

It was early 2010. Time seemingly fizzled into nothing, and Alfred's book had long been finished. It was left unpublished, however, and instead left untouched on his bookshelf.

Today, January thirtieth, 2010, he thought very little of the book.

Yawning and sitting up to stretch, the twenty two year-old glanced outside his window. It was gorgeous, the sun gently toasting the ground and air and lighting up the bright green grass. It was around seven thirty A.M., just as Alfred had planned to wake. He glanced next to him and smiled, a slightly smaller pale body with blonde fluffy hair still fast asleep next to him.

The American knew why the Brit didn't wake up early this morning. The night before he had given him the night of his life, taking him to a bar and partying all night with him. He didn't let the slightly older one get too drunk, he had plans. And those plans wouldn't be ruined by a hangover.

Gently swinging his feet over the bed, Alfred grabbed his glasses off the bedside table and slid them on, grabbing a couple articles of clothing and slipping them on. He thought he heard Arthur stir slightly but thought nothing of it, moving to the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair.

The sun had slowly started to peak through the curtains, causing Arthur to shift and groan, but not awaken. Alfred finished up getting dressed in the bathroom and moved to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. The silence of the apartment made the American smile as he shuffled back to his room, set the glass of water aside and lay back on the bed; right on top of Arthur.


Alfred chuckled lowly, watching the other furrow his brow. "Wakey wakey, lovebug."

Arthur flickered his eyes open and huffed, gently shoving at Alfred. "Christ you're heavy," He wheezed hoarsely, making the American laugh. "Get the bloody hell off me before you crush me to death."

Alfred responded by rolling off of Arthur and landing feet first onto his plush carpet, and Arthur sat up and rubbed his eyes. He didn't expect a glass of water to be shoved into his hands, nonetheless, he took it graciously.

"How'd you know I'd be dehydrated?" Arthur said huskily, taking a long sip of the water.

Alfred smiled, "Because I know you and I love you."

Arthur slightly frowned at the odd sentiment, not used to Alfred saying those three words so loosely, let alone so early in the morning. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with the real Alfie?"

The American laughed and glanced out the window. "Oh come on, it's me. I just have plans for us, that's why I woke you up so early."

Arthur narrowed his eyes. "Sounds suspicious."

"Nah, not at all." Alfred grinned, almost physically bouncing. "Now come on and get outta bed and get dressed! We're leaving soon!"

He bounded out of the room before Arthur could question him, "B-but wait, where the bloody hell are we going?!"

"Your choice!" Alfred called from the bathroom before laughing and bounding out and towards the kitchen, "Just hurry up and decide before you finish breakfast!"

Arthur blinked. What's gotten into him? Arthur didn't like the suspicious treatment all that much but, nonetheless, he huffed hard and dragged himself out of bed, glass of water still in hand. He lazily slipped on a t-shirt and slid into the bathroom, slightly taken aback by the blonde fluffy matt on his head and the groggy green irises staring back at him.


He somewhat lazily combed his hair and groggily shuffled to the kitchen, settling himself at the dining table and gently setting the glass of water down.

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