Chapter 17

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About a month had passed since Alfred's freedom.

Things seemed to have settled all in all for Arthur, Alfred and Matthew. For a bit, Alfred considered asking his British boyfriend if he wanted to move in with him. But something was holding him back, and the American didn't know what.

That mysterious, anonymous thing wasn't bad, though. It was good. Alfred knew it.

Matthew was honestly happy for them. He loved that his little brother finally found someone that set his heart ablaze. Even if their meeting place was most uncommon, the Canadian could tell that Alfred's love for Arthur was unconditional. Matthew could sense that Arthur's love for Alfred was, too, unconditional.

The Canadian sat back in his office chair and looked outside, the sun warmly kissing the city. It was a beautiful day; not too hot, and certainly not cold. It was oddly perfect outside considering that days' earlier news.

Matthew got a notice from the news on his phone that U.N. Prison had been sued, and Gilbert had been fired and charged. All prisoners not charged with murder had been let free, while prisoners convicted of murder had been moved to another prison. Matt smiled to himself at the thought of Gilbert getting what he deserved for something so heinous.

A bluebird flew by the apartment window and Mattie watched as it fluttered by. It sang to itself from behind the glass, and soon, that chirping and singing had dissipated into nothing. Matthew stretched his arms and hummed, standing. It was too beautiful to miss the opportunity at enjoying the outdoors.

He changed from his pajamas into a maple leaf t-shirt and tugged on a pair of ripped jeans, grabbing his wallet, glasses and his keys before heading out.

"I'll be back, Alfie," He called out in no direction in particular. Matthew went to open the door, but Alfred's voice stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

Matthew shrugged. "Have you seen it outside? It's beautiful. I'm going out to enjoy it for a bit."

Alfred, having poked his head around the hallway corner to look at Matthew, shrugged and disappeared back behind the hallway.

Matt laughed and left, making his way down the apartment hallway and taking the stairs down to the first floor.

The warm air welcomed him as he left the apartment and he couldn't help but softly smile, even with the abundance of people going to and from work on the sidewalks, it was still beautiful in Henderson, Nevada.

And so Matthew started walking. He didn't know, nor did he really care, where he was going. At first he considered going to the park a few blocks down. But maybe he could go to the Macy's near by...the mall? Maybe the mall. Matthew detested the idea immediately after, the mall was too crowded, anyway.

The Canadians thoughts were interrupted when he roughly ran into another man by accident, causing him and the other to fall harshly back onto their behinds.


"Oh mon seigneur, I am so sorry!"

The other quickly stood up and offered a hand to help Matthew up, and he took it, humming slightly. "It's alright, really, I wasn't looking where I was going, ahm..."

The one Matthew had run into had longish blonde hair tied up into a ponytail held by a blue bow, his face was clean save for slight stubble, and he wore rather simple clothing. Hm.

The other gave a small smile, looking Matthew up and down. "Oui oui, you're rather cute, hm?..." He hummed slightly, and Matthew blushed.

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