Diary of Jones #1

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Dear Diary,

This is my first entry. It's been about three days since Arthur left me. I have a new guard, his name is Officer Steilsson. As much as I want Arthur back, this ones decent enough, I guess. Way less scary than that Swedish one I cant pronounce the name of.

I always have to hide this book, and I write it with a piece of pencil lead. Sad, right? Some Finnish prisoner gave it to me during lunch yesterday and told me to quickly hide it in my pants. "What is it?" I asked him. "Contraband!" He replied all too enthusiastically. As of now, I'm awaiting labor period. Apparently they're putting me through more labor because according to a recent health checkup, my muscle mass has increased since my arrival. Weird, right? I never thought I'd be buff. I only write in here while my guards are away or on break, and I hide it under the covers of my bed. This book is pretty handy when I need it, I guess. It's brown leather colored with tan, lined pages inside, all empty. Well, almost completely empty. Two pages in the beginning had scribbling of what I assume was the Finnish prisoners' ranting, something about how his 'Swedish Guard' is just the best. I wonder if he's talking about my Swedish guard.

Ah, well. Officer Stielssons' break is almost over. I'll update eventually.

I miss Arthur.

- Thursday, 02:44 P.M.
Alfred F. Jones

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