Authors note and Clarification

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Holy shit I actually finished this.

Yes, you got that right! This fanfiction is officially OVER. done. Completo. Alfred and Arthur got married and, just like any other married couple, cried like a couple of dorky babies.

At first I contemplated making an epilogue but I think it's better you guys just kind of...imagine where they are right now :)

I do want to clarify some things that happen in the chapters though, from beginning to last.
o. Ludwig 'acting weird' is indeed because of Feli. Ohh do I need a plot for THAT fanfiction soon. MMM.
1. Yes, Alfred did write this entire book in the form of a diary and in third person. 'But what about the parts where they're mainly focused on Arthur or the court/other characters?'
well, there's three options for it, you can pick what you like most.
1. Those parts aren't parts that Alfred wrote. They're parts of those characters diaries, and every time a characters thoughts are mentioned, that's them writing the part of the chapter.
2. Alfred got most of them to tell him what they felt during that time (less desirable explanation, personally).
3. Those parts, Alfred didn't write. Alfred only wrote the parts mainly with him or all the parts he was involved in.
Choose for yourself haha, personally i like the last one/first one most

Also, explaining Ivan's 'three best friends' murder thing; Yes, those three friends were Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Poland/Feliks is still grieving over Liets passing and holds a serious, serious grudge against Ivan over it. If he could, he'd murder Ivan himself. Poland was also the deciding factor for Alfred's freedom during he court case and chose it basically because he hates the prison, so thank Feliks for the turning point of the fic, haha

Also, yes, Francis was a rape victim. He was portrayed as a rapist/sexual battery suspect himself and acted out his trauma. Matthew and Francis are dating after Gilbert and Matthew didn't work out and Mattie helps Francis through it. Francis is indeed getting better.

If you have any questions that still need clarification cause honestly most of these were made up on the spot, then go ahead and ask! I'm totally okay with questions! ❤️
thank you guys for the reads. I don't care if this blows up or not, what I'm proud of is that I actually
managed an elaborate and finished fanfiction and i'm so happy and hoping to start on the gerita and spamano ones soon.
I love y'all! 💞

- Azzi

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