Chapter 1

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The hum of the air conditioner was soothing. It created almost a lullaby that soothed me into a light slumber.

I groaned as the comforting sound was interrupted by my blaring alarm. I whacked the obnoxious machine causing it to cease its infernal racket.

I glanced at the bedside table and grabbed my glasses placing them on my nose before tossing the covers aside and lazily climbing out of bed.

"It's seven already? Where did the day go?" I stretched my sore muscles before heading to my dorm bathroom. My roommate and best friend Pichit was already up doing his blog before work.

Poor boy is constantly updating it. He's rarely away from an internet connection.

"What's Yurio Plisetsky up to now?" I asked about his blog rubbing my face sleepily.

"Hey Yuri, how was your nap?" He chuckled munching on some chips as a video rendered.

"Not long enough. I just got to sleep twenty minutes ago." I emphasized with a yawn.

"Well you better hurry up. We don't want to be late for our shift, and I have some amazing news about Yurio Plisetsky. He's coming to our town! Can you believe that the Russian Fairy is going to visit our town?!" He cupped his cheeks in excitement.

"Really? I had no idea. We probably wouldn't get to meet with him anyway. He's only Russia's most famous ballet dancer." I sighed running my hands through my thick black hair before sauntering toward the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

As I stood in the shower with the steamy water pounding down my back I braced my hands on the walls and hung my head.

Am I doing the right thing? Should I have gone into the family business or become a doctor or something?

I love dance. I always have. It was a way I could express myself when I didn't have words, but I could never be as good or as famous as 'The Russian Fairy'.

I chewed my lip anxiously. When I told my parents I had dropped out of the super expensive college they sent me to for an arts college they had completely shut me out.

They were already disappointed that I didn't want to join the family business of owning a hot springs inn, and that I didn't have a girlfriend.

I didn't have the heart to tell them that I was into guys. I hadn't spoken to them in years.

Sighing I shut off the water and wrapped a towel around my waist as I slicked back my wet hair. I fought with my contacts for five minutes before they finally decided to cooperate. I hated sticking the damn thi ge in my eyes. Once that task was complete I brushed my teeth and gelled my hair before Pichit pounded on the door rushing me.

I hurried to my room and threw on a pair of jeans, and a navy pullover sweater before following Pichit into the hall.

We climbed into his beat up red Honda Civic and headed to the nightclub where we bartended and danced.

It wasn't the most glamorous of jobs, but it paid the bills and kept me fed. Besides I got to dance everyday, and I worked with some really good people.

On arrival I spotted our mutual friend and coworker Chris finishing up a cigarette outside of the gentleman's club.

"Hey Chris." I waved.

"Chrisss!" Pichit exclaimed giving him finger guns whilst winking.

Chris laughed and returned the gesture.

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