Chapter 4

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By the time I had changed back into my uniform and placed my tip money into my locker, Leo's booth was empty. Victor was nowhere in sight.

He's gone.

My chest tightened in disappointment. Sighing I went to clean up the table when I noticed scribbles on a napkin.

What is this?

I grabbed the napkin and smoothed it out to read it. Even though it had been crumbled, the hand writing was still  neat and well written.

Don't forget about our deal.


I smirked to myself and shoved the napkin into my pocket as Chris approached.

"We're closing soon. Thanks for coming in. Mickey said you are all set if you want to head out early." Chris clapped me on the shoulder.

I nodded thanking him and carried my dishes to the washbin in the small kitchenette before changing into my normal clothes.

I had arrived back at my dorm in record time thanks to Pichit and his many energy drinks. He had to keep up with this twenty-four hour blogging competition he had going on or something. I wasn't too sure. He was talking a mile a minute.

I closed my door and plopped on my bed. I rubbed a hand over my face and grabbed the card from my bedside table. I flipped it in my fingers before I took out my phone.

What am I doing?

I chewed my lip anxiously as the phone rang.

"Victor Nikiforov." The familiar heavy accent caught me by surprise and I quickly hung up.

You idiot! Why did you do that?

Before I could spiral down the tunnel of self-hatred and despair my phone buzzed. It was the same number.

Ohmygod it's him! What do I do? What do I do??

I hesitantly answered.

"H-hello?" I stammered clutching the fabric of my shirt over my heart in attempt to silence it.

"Hello, is that you Larimar?" Victor's accent caressed my stage name sending shivers down my spine.

What would it be like if he called me by my real name?

The thought hardened me. Ignoring that I licked my suddenly dry lips.

"Yes. I-I'm sorry to bother you, especially at this hour." I frowned twirling a finger in my hair.

"You aren't bothering me. To what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your sultry voice over the phone?" He chuckled.

"Sultry? I'm far from sultry." I shook my head feeling silly knowing he couldn't see me.

"I beg to differ. No matter, have you decided to tell me your name?" His voice piqued with interest.

"I've thought about it." I nodded closing my eyes as an image of Victor calling out my name as he climaxed flashed behind my closed eyelids.

Really thought about it.

I cleared my throat embarrassed as though he could hear my thoughts.

"Tell me your name." His voice was almost pleading.

I bit down in my lip before taking a deep breath. Before I could answer Victor chimed in.

"I'm sorry. Really bad timing. I have to go. I still want to know your name. If you wish to tell me then we can meet at this coffee shop just outside of town tomorrow evening. Here's the address." I scribbled down Victor's directions.

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